When They Won't/Don't Answer The Phone

Too much time on leads that don't answer cost more in missed opportunity by not spending more time on fresh leads

The lead type will determine how many times I will call, Will internet leads I call up to 3 times a day for 12 calls

A little more for tele leads and a little less per day but maybe few more calls form DM

The bold above is a concept that economists call "the law of of diminishing returns". Nice.
Shoot this is exactly why we built Agent Autopilot.

Lead gets generated, automatic email goes out immediately. That's just so the signature is read by the google bots and when the agent calls and texts, it says Maybe Hoosier Life.

Then a text goes out 30 seconds later telling the client we will be calling them soon.

Then, 30 seconds after that, the agents phone rings giving them all info on the lead and they press 1 and it dials the prospect.

All of this happens within the first 60 seconds of a lead being developed.

Then they drop into the power Dialer queue to be called 8x in the next 3 days, along with various texts, emails and ringless voicemails designed to get them to engage, schedule on the calendar, fill out a mock application etc.

If that doesn't work, they drop into a 75 week long lead nurture sequence designed to entertain, educate and promote the agents business.

Studies say that folks that fill out an online lead form will buy from someone in the next 18 months.

^^^ This is how you stay in front of them for that long until they convert all the while grabbing the low hanging hot leads quickly and efficiently.
Do Facebook leads weather as well as other internet leads? :unsure:

Rouse it depends on how the lead was developed . If the lead was made with some autofill features which many facebook leads are then no. If you can generate 20 fb leads in 2 days as many can its 60% autogenerated and based on my exp I think some are resold . DM is by far the king for a face to face guy as shelf life long and the way you can work a smaller area unmatched . Facebook leads will run you ragged and really only for fillers . For tele sales tv leads king.
Rouse it depends on how the lead was developed . If the lead was made with some autofill features which many facebook leads are then no. If you can generate 20 fb leads in 2 days as many can its 60% autogenerated and based on my exp I think some are resold . DM is by far the king for a face to face guy as shelf life long and the way you can work a smaller area unmatched . Facebook leads will run you ragged and really only for fillers . For tele sales tv leads king.