Where to Buy Leads???


New Member
I'm a new agent with a couple months under my belt and was looking for the most reliable places to buy leads. I tried to contact one company that I saw online and it went straight to a guys voicemail, he never returned my call. I'm thinking scam? I'm looking for help and advice on reliable companies.
Do a search for what ever line of ins. you are selling to see which lead companies come up in your are. Then narrow your choices by asking for reviews on those lead services. Just a heads up, Internet leads can be hit or miss and vary form state to state depending on the line.
I'm a new agent with a couple months under my belt and was looking for the most reliable places to buy leads.

To quote another guy on here: "All lead companies suck. If they don't suck now, they'll suck later." You're better off either learning to prospect or hiring a telemarketer to do it for you, but take the time to do it correctly or it's worse than not doing it at all.
To quote another guy on here: "All lead companies suck. If they don't suck now, they'll suck later." You're better off either learning to prospect or hiring a telemarketer to do it for you, but take the time to do it correctly or it's worse than not doing it at all.

What he said.

Only about 20% of this job is writing applications, the fun part. The other 80% is prospecting, the work. They should really call this job "prospecting for insurance" because that is what it is all about.

Learn to prospect and you will never be without people to sell insurance to.
thanks to all. what i'm looking for is can any body refer a company?

I only sell Med Supps. If you are looking for an insurance company that provides quality training on how to sell them and excellent support I don't know of any.

It is not in the agents best interest to be captive when entering the senior market. It's almost imperative that a Med Supp agent be independent today.
I'm a new agent with a couple months under my belt and was looking for the most reliable places to buy leads. I tried to contact one company that I saw online and it went straight to a guys voicemail, he never returned my call. I'm thinking scam? I'm looking for help and advice on reliable companies.

Well, in case you need someone to tell you. Don't buy leads from anyone that can't answer the phone or call you back. If they can't even take your call to get your money, how would they take a call when you have a problem with them.

Also to save you some time, most of all lead companies suck and those that are good today, will suck tomorrow.

Instead of making a living hoping to buy some good leads, you might want to try to prospect.

There are tons of threads on this forum, talking about bad lead companies, but very few talking about a good lead company. If an agent has a good lead company, they will not want to share the info with other agents, in fear of you buying all the leads from the lead company.
Whether you do it by phone, mail, internet, going door-to-door or some combination thereto, until you learn to generate your own action, you will always be at the mercy of the oftentimes unscrupulous lead vendors.
thanks to all. what i'm looking for is can any body refer a company?

There is no one company that does a great job at that and even if they did, no one in their right mind would be giving that out. PM or e-mail me if you want help getting a telemarketer setup, but that's the only recipe for success I've found. There is no easy way of doing this. If you want go guarantee your own success then you need to be putting your own system together.