Where to Buy Leads???

Thanks for all the advice. I'm still learning.
Looks like I need to learn more about prospecting, any advice on that?
between netquote, allwebleads, vimo, and insuranceleads, insuranceleads.com has been the most stable source of good internet leads lately. Probably change next week.
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I only sell Med Supps. If you are looking for an insurance company that provides quality training on how to sell them and excellent support I don't know of any.

It is not in the agents best interest to be captive when entering the senior market. It's almost imperative that a Med Supp agent be independent today.

I talked to a lady earlier today who had one of her friends that is captive to Bankers Life sell her a med supp that is about 40 dollars over the lowest in her area right now. I almost felt bad explaining that it probably wasn't her friends fault that I could beat their price by about 70 dollars total per month on her and her husband, even while converting them to a plan F from a plan G, that it was just that she wasn't allowed to sell any other companies products. She was torn up on the phone too. She thought one of her best friends had been screwing her out of her retirement money, and because of her friend signing them the husband wasn't eligible for MOO because of diabetes/HBP, which caused a 8 dollar difference or something a month on the lowest plan I could offer them.

Moral here, don't be captive, unless your product is very competitive. You'll make your best friend cry.
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Moral here, don't be captive, unless your product is very competitive. You'll make your best friend cry.

When I first started it was possible for an agent to be captive and do well. Today the company will only be competitive until the next premium increase.

When that happens the agent is going to have to start selling apples on the street corner and watch their renewals go down the toilet.
I don't quite get this captive thing........

I know 3 agents who are captive and they still write for other companies :D

They just don't say anything about it. Is this the norm?
I don't quite get this captive thing........

I know 3 agents who are captive and they still write for other companies :D

They just don't say anything about it. Is this the norm?

They could get into god knows how much trouble for violation of a no-compete. They can probably be sued by the captive agency for all revenues produced for the other company.
They could get into god knows how much trouble for violation of a no-compete. They can probably be sued by the captive agency for all revenues produced for the other company.

1,000:1 they couldn't get in any trouble over it. Employer can terminate their contracts, maybe take the renewals, but not sue for anything else. GA's largely overstate the validity and power of these contracts, but it rarely happens for 3 reasons. The first is that it would cost a pile of cash to go after the agent, second is that most of these contracts are worth less than the paper they're printed on because it's now used paper, and the third being that you can't get blood from a stone.
Just to clarify what I said earlier, from what I gather they do try and sell for the company they are captive with first but if there is gonna be an underwriting problem or the client just wants a particular company then they do what they have to do to make the client happy and get the sale.

Also, 2 of the agents get screwed over on their commissions every month (to their detriment) so the company they are captive with doesn't necessarily treat them the best anyway. I guess what comes around goes around...........my buddy was telling me that just last month they screwed him out of a little over 2k which he has to file papers and wait till they pay him. Never has a problem outside his/her captive agency.
1,000:1 they couldn't get in any trouble over it. Employer can terminate their contracts, maybe take the renewals, but not sue for anything else. GA's largely overstate the validity and power of these contracts, but it rarely happens for 3 reasons. The first is that it would cost a pile of cash to go after the agent, second is that most of these contracts are worth less than the paper they're printed on because it's now used paper, and the third being that you can't get blood from a stone.

I would have imagined they'd also report you to the dept of insurance and get your license. I wouldn't wanna risk it personally, I'd just leave the captive way before they got a shot at me.