Which Path When New to P&C?

Yep, control is somewhat an illusion and entirely relative.
Interestingly, just this week I received my first ever non-direct appointment (well, first ever from a carrier not traditionally accessed through a broker), but I did not join any groups. Simple subagent agreement. At this point, I don't want for much so I'll happily take a bit smaller split and a couple weeks longer to get paid, in order to pick up a single carrier I could use but couldn't sufficiently feed - rather than paying a group their fee on a 1mm+ book I built without their help. Not to mention effectively signing away my rights to sell or otherwise transfer my business.
I realize that detail doesn't really scare some folks, so clusters make sense for that person.

PS I'm not really active on here much, but I just realized today who you are lol.
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I've had my P&C license for 6 months now. I was going to open a Farmers (don't laugh) Agency but decided against it. My problem is this one were talking about. I can't get anywhere. One cluster in my state NY wants 2 years exp. Does anyone know of othe clusters besides SIAA?
I recently started my own agency and sign up with superior access in order to be able to provide different carriers, the problem with it, is that im having a hard time quoting and getting good rates for my clients any recommendations of any different company or cluster in Texas
I recently started my own agency and sign up with superior access in order to be able to provide different carriers, the problem with it, is that im having a hard time quoting and getting good rates for my clients any recommendations of any different company or cluster in Texas
I am in the same situation, I v been in Life and Health side for 5 years, and got my P&C license at the beginning of this year, but I could not find any GA in Houston to take me, unless I pay fee to be with IIAT . I tried to with WIAA and pay turborater, but WIAA only has a few carriers(Hartford, Safeco, Travelers) to quote, and the rates are not competitive at all, I am almost giving it up. IIAT seems like has more carriers to write , but it has member dues, I am still considering if it worths to give it a try. If you have any information on a good GA in TX who accepts new agent, please share with me. Good luck.
So much good advice here. VolAgent, Indienoise, and DJS are almost always spot on.

BradNC, I hope you recognize the worth of the council you have received here.

My two cents, don't use your friend. why may 35% on NB when you can make 90% or more. Why accept 30% renewals when you can take home 90%? Sure he offers the backroom support but you can get a carrier to do that. He wont slow down to teach you anything.

Clusters vary from good, better, best. That decision is strictly for you to make and each one will have pros and cons as Volagent points out. As is getting direct appointments it too has pros and cons. A good cluster will assign a full time trainer to you to hold your hand. (A pro)...there is too much to get into here.....
I'm new to P&C insurance after doing life insurance for several years and having clients and other people ask me to start doing it. I got my licenses and have to make a decision about how to move forward. I have 2 real estate agents asking me to take their clients' business and lots of our life clients want help with P&C too.

Option 1: Really close friend owns a very successful independent agency in another state. I'm in NC. He says I can run all my P&C stuff through them. 32% of commission on new business and 30% on renewals. They have all the built in support for quoting through support, etc. I wouldn't own the book and that wouldn't be an option. I couldn't bring in other guys either (like I have under me with life).

Option 2: Join a group cluster. I'm not sure which direction I would go with this yet, but priorities would be on good carriers, owning the book, and training/support/quoting help. I'd own the book, but it might be expensive to take it anywhere. I haven't been able to find any info on what the commission splits are, so any info on that would be helpful.

What path is the better long term decision? What will help me learn the business the best? Any other input from experience is welcome.

Did i read that right....you get 32/30% of new and renewal and don't own the book? (they're your customers right)?

I must have missed something.??
No matter what you choose, there will be disadvantages - even though I chose not to join a group, and it has been working for me, there are still things that being part of a group would help with...but there is always a trade-off.
Nothing is perfect, you just have to pick the route that best aligns with your long term goals.