Whiteboard Animation Software

I have someone coming in two weeks to show me a "newer" and "more modern" version of a whiteboard. My practice manager found this and it includes complete and total control over the screen via touch and/or computer, but also has voice recognition where you can speak words and they will appear as text on the board. I also liked that you could write on the board and then have your writing turned into text. I don't remember the name of the company, but I'll check. Thanks.
Just buy a 65 inch tv for your conference room and stream from your tablet. You can draw, write, write to text, speak to text, all of that and it will save you a couple grand.
Just buy a 65 inch tv for your conference room and stream from your tablet. You can draw, write, write to text, speak to text, all of that and it will save you a couple grand.

Very good option. I haven't seen this new technology yet, but I watched a video my PM showed me. It looked very interesting, but your alternative sounds like a good one as well. Thanks.