Who do I contact about this HSA/FSA/HRA question?

Is there some sort of process that medical services providers go through to be able to accept HSA/FSA/HRA debit cards and have the company that holds the funds on those cards, approve it? Is this something that every medical provider must proactively do, or is it set in place automatically by the company that controls the funds and card?
A little background: I have a friend that is a massage therapist, and she had a client present her with an HSA card to pay for her massage, but they could not get it to accept a charge from the therapist. I have found where massage therapy *can be* a covered expense, but a letter of medical necessity is required, so this leads me to believe that perhaps the massage needs to be paid for up front by the patient, and then the patient would need to submit a request for reimbursement to their HSA company along with the letter of necessity. Does this sound correct? Any guidance on which organization can help me with questions about HSA/FSA/HRA's would be welcomed as well. I just am not finding much except for each individual company's guidelines so I'm not sure if this has to be set up and any questions answered by only specific individual companies or if there is some larger overseer type organization that can help with these types of questions. Thanks so much!
Never really answered your question about who to contact. Start with your benefits person at work, also call the cUstomer service department of your card vendor.
Thank you everyone for your input! Seems there's a bit of mystery or at least inconsistency to these cards lol! I will ask my friend for the card issuer company name and contact them, that seems a good place to start.