Who is "The Leader" in Opposing Obama?


100+ Post Club
I don't see anyone. Do you? If you wanted to put your "Money where your mouth is"; where would you put it in opposing the Obama led movement to socialism?

"Capitalism's foundation is based on the 1st law of nature with some modifications for charity..."Survival of the Fittest." A harsh reality for some with abundant benefits to all who find away to survive.(IMHO)"

I look forward to reading any comments or discussion.

I pray for a blessing, for the USA!
Dr. Ron Paul, creator of the tea party movement, banging against big government and the corporate controlled federal reserve. Standing up for liberty and rights since the beginning. A truly conservative voting record. And he walks the walk. Never taken a paid junket, runs his office fiscally conservative. And a true voice of freedom.
Dr. Ron Paul, creator of the tea party movement, banging against big government and the corporate controlled federal reserve. Standing up for liberty and rights since the beginning. A truly conservative voting record. And he walks the walk. Never taken a paid junket, runs his office fiscally conservative. And a true voice of freedom.

Ron Paul didn't create the tea party movement.

You're thinking of the Tea Party Patriots, who are led by Dick Armey from Freedomworks, which is a Republican 427 organization.

They were started as an astroturf false grassroots movement by Armey and his connections to Fox news, who he got to come cover their events for publicity, and it took off from there.

Ron Paul was in no way affiliated with their start.

Having said all that, Ron Paul is and was an awfully good presidential candidate, however the Republican establishment is terrified of him because he isn't necessarily pro corporate welfare like the rest of his party.

He also has the opposite of a truly conservative voting record, he votes for earmarks and money for his state all the time. He just says he's against them, then when money is there for his district he takes all he can.

He's not a saint, he's not perfect, and he isn't the founder of the Tea Party, however he is an awfully good presidential candidate with a lot of very good ideas.
I'm sorry, but it was during the 2008 presidential campaign, that Ron Paul inspired the tea party. It was his grass-roots that took to that identity after Barack Obama became president. My only regret is that it (the movement) didn't start earlier (like three presidents earlier).
Now you see MSM and the neocons trying to hijack the movement while demonizing it at the same time. But no matter what we are called, rednecks, racists, extremists, we will continue to rise up to retake this great nation. Our hearts will not let us do anything else...
PAUL: It's the kind I don't vote for, because I don't think the federal government should be doing it. But, if they're going to allot the money, I have a responsibility to represent my people.
If they say, hey, look, put in a highway for the district, I put it in. I put in all their requests, because I'm their representative.
But, if you put an earmark for a bridge in Iraq, it's not called an earmark. If you build military equipment in somebody's city...

Key quote. He doesn't have the most squeaky clean voting record ever, but its near impossible to be 100% perfect on anything.

Not that I am against the man I am just a realist and I get sick of people just making things up.
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I'm sorry, but it was during the 2008 presidential campaign, that Ron Paul inspired the tea party. It was his grass-roots that took to that identity after Barack Obama became president. My only regret is that it (the movement) didn't start earlier (like three presidents earlier).
Now you see MSM and the neocons trying to hijack the movement while demonizing it at the same time. But no matter what we are called, rednecks, racists, extremists, we will continue to rise up to retake this great nation. Our hearts will not let us do anything else...

The Neocons started the publicized movement and rallies and protests that you first saw on TV.

It was actually hijacked by the Ron Paul guys after the movement got all the free publicity. They were there the whole time, but the Dick Armey Neocon bunch put out the brand name and got the media involved, then lost control of their own movement basically and it sort of self-destructed their own party in such a way that they appear afraid of losing all their own jobs unless they turn into libertarians during voting season.

I personally am for the Libertarians and hate the Neocon bunch.
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The only ones who can take back this country IMO would be the people and it isn't through any political leader. They need booted out and replaced otherwise it will be more of the same.

Somebody is holding you children hostage for the next how ever many years, do you wait on the authorities or do you go get the s.o.b.s

This same path is going nowhere and gas for years. The people of this country need to grow a pair of balls. The country can't be turned back it must be taken back. Everybody needs to stop paying taxes, stop going to work, whatever it takes to shut this country down or turn off the lights for a couple days or two and these people will walk out of governent. Government has shut down before. We need to shut down or go on strike. It will be painful but I don't see another way to show who has the power.

After a while people need to stop looking for politicians to save them when the people have the power if they just use it.
[/quote]After a while people need to stop looking for politicians to save them when the people have the power if they just use it.[/quote]

Which is why the people will have to take back their local and state governments, get involved, trace the money, hold those accountable, and only through that will the Federal level change (you know the Ghandi saying; be the change you believe in).

Trying to affect the outer before the inner will not work. The people have to change if they expect their representatives to change.
I think Rep. Paul Ryan has become the face of Obamacare opposition.

I think Bobby Jindal and a strong VP could beat Obama in 2012.