Who is "The Leader" in Opposing Obama?

I think Rep. Paul Ryan has become the face of Obamacare opposition.

I think Bobby Jindal and a strong VP could beat Obama in 2012.

See this is what I don't understand with this country. So we replace a democrat with a republican and as good as that guy may be, he can't fix the problems, not quite sure he or she would want to or even could.

The way I look at it is now things up there have got so out of hand from both sides that it would be like hiring somebody to come clean up the dog crap in your back yard, yet they just come and move the crap from one spot in the yard to another. You still have dog crap in the yard.

These people need replaced or shown that the people of this country can shut it down if they so choose when the people who are supposed to represent us are not doing their job. They do it in other countries but yet were just to much like sheep over here. Everybody just complains about it, bends over and says that hurt and moves on.

Maybe in another 100 years people will wake up but I don't think they will be waking up to the same country. It is gonna look much different.
I think Bobby Jindal and a strong VP could beat Obama in 2012.

I think you're dreamin'.

Consider this; voter turnout in the 2008 election was 56.7%. Not very high considering the angst over Bush, the economy, the war, and the clamor for "change we can believe in".

You've only got 47% paying any federal income tax. That leaves 53% that will just be fine with the status quo!

All government is merely a reflection of the electorate, and the majority of Americans are too dumb, lazy and stupid to do anything about it - until there is a crisis on the doorstep.

Last, but not least, Jindal's got the personality of a piece of balsa wood. He makes John Kerry seem exciting.
Huckabee is a stronger candidate than Jindal or Palin. I think Huckabee with Ron Paul would have a shot at winning, or with Palin as VP. You'd get very strong GOTV push from that ticket as well.
Huckabee is a stronger candidate than Jindal or Palin.

Not a chance.

It's the broad middle that decides any Presidential election.

Voter backlash continues to develop against the religious right candidates, as more and more people realize that "social engineering" has no place in ANY government - it's none of their business.

If we don't figure out the economic challenges, it will all be moot anyway.
Huckabee is a stronger candidate than Jindal or Palin. I think Huckabee with Ron Paul would have a shot at winning, or with Palin as VP. You'd get very strong GOTV push from that ticket as well.

Palin is a losing ticket, no matter who she runs with. The negatives outweigh any positives that she can bring.

Besides, I think she's just in it for the money at this point.
Why not Paul Ryan? Intelligent, good looking, squeakly clean candidate. Smart and true conservative.
Why not Paul Ryan? Intelligent, good looking, squeakly clean candidate. Smart and true conservative.

Seems like you're a bit biased on him. :yes:

He's in a good position, but I think he needs a bit more seasoning. He would make an excellent VP candidate, however. If combined with Romney or Paul, that would be a solid ticket.