Who is your favorite FE company to do E-APP?

Word on the street though is American Amicable is still going to require some type of a phone interview with the application. AmAm is very liberal with what they take if you describe it to the underwriter I'm afraid of losing that to an instant decision algorithm.

The new app will replace any phone interview. Instant decision.
The new app will replace any phone interview. Instant decision.

Correct. You can still always do it the old way @Baseball7

But I don't want to wait for an UW to reverse a decision. I want to know before I go. Declined, rated or referred? Pivot to the next eapp in line.

Prosperity will be adding SS billing soon, then they will check off a whole lotta boxes. Their 10% bonus on everything submitted over $20,000 a quarter is nice. They refer to UW single digit % whereas MoO claimed over 30% were referred at a conference we just attended.
Follow-up on e-apps... How much original paper work, pages of the app, including banking info can you keep for your own records? Or do they not allow you to keep any printable information other than what they designate?