Whole Life Insurance Tips

I'm freaking out!

I'm still somewhat new-ish to this and my experience at current is mostly Term

I came across an aged Mortgage Protection lead I door knocked who already had it put in place but the spouse was interested in Whole Life policies for the teen/young adult kids

I have minimal knowledge/experience in this area, the manager is out on work travel so I have no clue how much help I'll get in-home but I want to be as self-prepared as possible.

Do y'all have any helpful pointers or resources for Whole Life?

Child insurance is simple and most of the time a very direct product. Don't over complicate what the parents are attempting to do.

We agents often get into the weeds here and can over complicate things like funding and growth and, and, and,

Find a company you like, don't do a ton of shopping around on these simple plans. Waste of time IMHO.

Have never used KSKJ life for this, but might be a good one to look at. I use another company.
But I'm confused because I thought being an independent agent meant I could use any carrier.

I don't know if I'll get in trouble contracting with one of these companies/going against the managers recommendations

Independent is supposed to mean that. Some agencies are really Semi Captive, leaning heavily to the captive side. They want all of your contracts and want all of your business run through them. I am not saying that is right or wrong. Just the way it is. Some agents want or need a lot from the agency and some agencies give a lot. Some do not give you anything more than you can get on your own.

Get in trouble with who? If you are independent they have nothing to say. Now if they are giving the leads with the understanding that you only write them, then they have some rights. If you are paying even $1. they are yours to do with as you deem correct. Give them the first look but at the end of the day, you need to earn and do right by the client. If your managers are standup people they understand that there are going to be cases that do not fit them. No big deal. They should help you either way.

If you are new, Just tough it out until you can go off on your own. These are just three small deal don't sweat it. Do not get derailed by this. Find a Life agent that has Sagicor and maybe Assurity. Let the prospects know you found someone that can help them. You and the agent work something out.

Sagicor has GUL, IUL and Term. Goes down to $25,000. Nonmed through age 65. Assurity has Term, ROPTerm. Nonmed. Both can be done remotely. No need to try to meet with the young adults F2F. No Parameds to try to schedule. Keep it simple.

Female 25 NT Pref'd

$100,000.00 @ $32mo
$ 50,000.00 @ $26mo
$ 25,000.00 @ $13mo

30yr level
$100,000.00 @ $12mo
$250,000.00 @$20mo
Assurity has some nice riders to make their term sing.