Why are commissions lower for high-deductible Medigap plans?

I do get referrals but would love to get more.

Are you referring to a referral base of other businesses - e.g. financial planners, CPAs, etc? I don't get a lot there.

I don't know how many I've written but I do know I did a audit last summer and deleted anyone out of my system that had passed or changed that I was unaware of (there were more that I thought there would be). Came out around 1400 active and paying.

I get spouses and referrals from them.

I was mainly throwing out the $250 as "Cold Marketing CPA." But I don't think $250 is too high, it may even be low. Saw some large agencies giving out numbers around $250-300 as CPA - so... I'll stick by that.

But, again, would love advice on getting referrals from outside the client base. It's an area I've not done well in and should develop.

Not saying this is you but I've also run into agents over the years who are proud that they are "Referral Only" and $0 ad spend and their book is only 385 active....

I understood the number $250 per, as not including the referrals
I always look at that as a separate bucket

I have one in NY who refers I signed up her parents back in 2012 and she and her husb run a doc office in NY I get probably get 5 or so plans on a bad year and 15 or so on a good year, this year I got 7 or so plans already from her

I want to try and find some more I keep hearing about others marketing for these, I fell into mine, but I am also interested in learning how to be more active and cultivate these
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What kind of JO are you? I did not ask for a definition of profit. Your answer to the question was "profit". I asked you to expand on why the answer is "profit".

What kind of JO are you? I did not ask for a definition of profit. Your answer to the question was "profit". I asked you to expand on why the answer is "profit".

I am a White one.
I am lost on this one...