- 1,271
Yikes! It scares me that you say that! I ALWAYS offer term to my clients who are under 55, and show them why WL or UL is not the answer, its too expensive!
I hate to say it, but buying term and investing the difference is the best concept... you just have to make sure your clients are doing it.
THere are some rare cases that WL makes sense, but for the most part it does not.
Do you realize how irresponsible you sound when you say WL/UL is not the answer because it's "too expensive"?
Yes, BTID is THE best concept but are you helping your clients "invest that difference" or are you just selling them term and wish them "good luck with your investments"?
99% of the people DON'T KNOW HOW to invest the difference. 99% of them DON'T KNOW what their risk tolerances are. 99% of them become very aggressive when the market/economy is doing great and very conservative when the market/economy is doing bad. It doesn't matter what they invest in; stocks, funds, real estate, commodities whatever. 99% of them do the exact opposite of what they should be doing. The "market" knows this and that's why it's designed to take money from the poor and give to the rich. Letting average client handle their own investment is like giving my 5 year old a rifle to go hunting. He may accidentally kill a squirrel but most likely he will end up hurting himself.
That's why I believe an average person needs "forced savings" and their money should be locked away until they retire (with room for extreme financial hardship). Even with high surrender charges people would still rather keep their Mercedes than their policies. This is what happens in real world to which BTID concept is not accustomed. JMO.