Why So Many Companies Looking for Agents?


New Member
Since posting my resume online, I have gotten at least a dozen offers from companies looking for agents.

Are there really too few agents for customers, or is the turnover too high or is it some other reason?

Because most of them want to try and sell you leads. Others might be fishing for personal information. Just con artist if you ask me. What are you looking for anyway (position) and what type of insurance?
The insurance industry is a high turnover business when it comes to agents. It has been a throw them against the wall and see who sticks business for a very long time.

As far as being bogus, maybe, but maybe not.
Aside from some of them being bogus, selling insurance is work. Most folks can't adapt to this type of a career.
Most people who start in this business are gone in a few months. Companies have to keep recruiting. They are always recruiting and will always be recruiting.
A straight commission job costs the recruiter nothing for each hire and if you make one sale he gets an over ride on it.
So many of the straight commission opportunities would hire anyone and everyone for that reason alone.