Will Apple Product Suffer Now?

Time will tell if Apple will thrive or not. Jobs was the creative force behind Apple. Even though they have never dominated the computer world (and doubtful they will) the iPad, iPod and other gizmo's breathed new life into the company.

Can't afford an iPod?

No problem, there are quite a few low cost MP3 players on the market that allow you to transfer music you own rather than renting iTunes.

The iPad has made waves but has knock offs in the tablet market.

While Jobs did a lot to promote Apple most forget he was behind Lisa which was a miserable flop as was Next. After being kicked out of Apple he bought Pixar from Lucas and then later sold it to Disney for a nice profit.
Apple will continue to thrive provided they continue to innovate. It is true for any technology company and Apple is no exception. Since they came out with iPhone and iPad, there has been nothing from Apple (except version updates) and now these products are being manufactured by so many companies and Samsung has become leader in these products. I am hoping that Apple TV turns out to be next big thing (as is rumored). If not, Apple will become another value company like microsoft and will no longer be a growth company.