Wordpress/SEO/Web 2.0 Questions

I do have a few hosting accounts (SiteGround and MidPhase). And plenty of domains. Maybe that's a better way.

That's probably the ticket. I have quite a few domains I need to spend some time developing. In the meantime I have auto-blogged place holder content up now and what's surprising to me is that I am getting action off it.
I have never participated in any of that blog-network stuff and I do write all original content on these mini-sites.

NOW...an important question. Is Google starting to frown upon building sites that may have good content but are basically there to link back to a main site. It sounds like this very thing is what Google will be going after very very soon. If this is the case, then these mini-blogs are a real potential problem.
Google isn't going to (and probably will never) frown on sites with good content. If you make MaternityCoverage.com and link to YourCoolWebsite.com and it has relevant content, google will like that (to whatever extent they like such things). If they're all from the same IP address (hosted) then google leans towards assuming you're doing exactly what you're doing and doesn't give it the same weight it would from another IP. If you have all of them hosted on another site host then point it to your money site you should be in good shape.

The potential problems are when your articles are on a spammy looking site with poorly spun content it starts hitting your site, not if the content just doesn't have much weight to it.
I have never participated in any of that blog-network stuff and I do write all original content on these mini-sites.

NOW...an important question. Is Google starting to frown upon building sites that may have good content but are basically there to link back to a main site. It sounds like this very thing is what Google will be going after very very soon. If this is the case, then these mini-blogs are a real potential problem.

Pretty much 100% of the time google frowned upon a link building method, they didn't punish the people doing it, they just made it so that the algorithm didn't treat the links as being as powerful as it did before.

The only exceptions I can think of off the top of my head were the deindexed blogs recently via ALN and BMR, but even in those cases, the only sites that were really punished were the domains that contained the autoposted content links. The sites being linked from the networks went mostly untouched, it was a very low % of them that were hit, mostly people that were using the blog networks as nearly 100% of their linking strategy. Even that was only a portion of the sites in question.

Also, they're having to rethink parts of that already, because people started abusing the algorithmic change almost immediately to deindex competitors sites, and are doing that now at a rampant pace.

Diversify your links and you don't have anything to worry about.
You can definitely link to other blogs/sites (in fact it looks weird if you don't have at least a few), where you run into problems is if you have a site of questionable character and your main site is linking back to it.
This is a fine strategy, and if you organize the sites into specialties it can even be useful for humans (imagine that!).

As an added bonus, you can do more "questionable" link-building strategies toward these secondary sites without risking the reputation of your primary site.
So, if you have external blogs you should only link back to your own website? I thought about putting relevant outbound links on mine but I don't want that to make my blogs look spammy.

It's a fine idea to point outbound links (nofollow them) to authority sites. My point way not to sell/rent links (unless its to another ins site/not in ur immediate niche) , treat them like any other money site, you can still monetize them (rank them using long tail keywords) so you get an additional source of leads plus the link juice.
This is a fine strategy, and if you organize the sites into specialties it can even be useful for humans (imagine that!).

As an added bonus, you can do more "questionable" link-building strategies toward these secondary sites without risking the reputation of your primary site.

My blogs are too human readable if you ask me. I probably spend too much time on them but I keep thinking that it will pay off in some way or other, lol.

It's a fine idea to point outbound links (nofollow them) to authority sites. My point way not to sell/rent links (unless its to another ins site/not in ur immediate niche) , treat them like any other money site, you can still monetize them (rank them using long tail keywords) so you get an additional source of leads plus the link juice.

You're probably going to kill me here but is it better to have them set to nofollow? I did some research on it and from what I gathered, it just means page rank won't be passed along to other sites (at least with google). One site says you will get better PR if you leave them as Dofollow. I am just curious becuase I have yet to set any of my links to nofollow :err: