- 19,824
cAN ANYONE TELL ME WHAT IT IS LIKE WORKING FOR NAA? Is there a cost to join their agency? How much do the leads cost? Do you recommend them?
It's been over 8 years since I started with NAA so things my be differnt as far as start up costs. There were none when I started with excpet for your leads and you didn't pay for them until after receiving them.
I started at 65% and didn't know enough to know that was low. I moved to 80% rather quickly. The leads were excellent, the best I've ever worked even to this day.
I got excellent training from my upline and it was sorely needed. My first year with NAA, {my first full year in insurance}, i was the number 14 producer with them at almost $260,000 ap.
It was a very good for me. Plus, back then production was king and that changed over my 2 plus years there to recruiting was king. That spelled the end for me since I do not recruit.
Are there some organizations within NAA that do not offer good traing and support? Of course there are. Has the quality of lead gone down? From all reports they have. NAA is not a pyramid type of program even though that is a constant slam they get.
They are simply another IMO/NMO that's set up just like almost all of the rest of them. Except you do not assign commissions to NAA the way way you do with some. That is a good thing.
Going with them would depend on what you want to market and how much training and support you need. If it's FE that you want to do, then do not deal with them. They do FE as a sideline and they do not understand that market nor how to train for it.
They are all about mortgage protection and annuities. If that's what you want o do then they could be looked at along with other IMO's.