Worst FE Carriers ? (your opinion)

Mike Siegal

100+ Post Club
Who are the Worst FE Cariers and Why?

I'm not an FE agt, but i do run into them from time-to-time. PPL mention company names, and i don't who is what?----I only hear rumors of who's REALLY BAD, vs higher quality carriers.

1. Who are they (what are the company names) ?

2. Why are bad?


thanks for your input...
No good or bad. Some companies have high rates which makes me not write them. Some companies have low rates which makes them attractive. Some companies are unclear on their underwriting which makes me avoid them. Some companies are very predictable which makes them attractive.

Every agent will have his own biases and opinions on what is good for him.
I have been completely disappointed in Sentinel over the last 12 months. I pick them up when they had the absolute best phone application. Whole process start to finish was never more than 15 minutes. Then they change the compensation, change the application process and basically have become a useless company. Best example I could come up with.
PS. i am in Florida (if that matters).

-Lincoln Heritage (i know this co. to have over-priced plans)

-Colonial Penn Gi ???

-Bankers Life?
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Who are the Worst FE Cariers and Why?

I'm not an FE agt, but i do run into them from time-to-time. PPL mention company names, and i don't who is what?----I only hear rumors of who's REALLY BAD, vs higher quality carriers.

1. Who are they (what are the company names) ?

2. Why are bad?


thanks for your input...
1. Settlers Life :yes:

2. No longer in business. :no:
Who are the Worst FE Cariers and Why?

I'm not an FE agt, but i do run into them from time-to-time. PPL mention company names, and i don't who is what?----I only hear rumors of who's REALLY BAD, vs higher quality carriers.

1. Who are they (what are the company names) ?

2. Why are bad?


thanks for your input...

so - you want others to add to the "rumors" ???
Just trying to learn....Any 'Opinion' on 'Colonial Penn?'

I have one... Why?

I mean why would you use them... other than you like Alex.

Not a fan of companies that advertise heavily.
  • Adverse risk selection runs too high
  • In turn premiums are driven up and comp down
  • People remember the commerical more than the facts
Just my opinion... always open to new information.
PS. i am in Florida (if that matters).

-Lincoln Heritage (i know this co. to have over-priced plans)

-Colonial Penn Gi ???
Just trying to learn....Any 'Opinion' on 'Colonial Penn?'
Colonial Penn doesn't have field agents. Everything is handled by low paid telesales agents and CSR's. Lots of people have CP policies because they responded to the tv ad. Some of those people have serious health problems and need a GI. The rest could probably do much better with nearly any other FE carrier. (Even LH! LOL!) It makes for an easy replacement sale when the client is already used to paying premium, and I can give them an immediate benefit and more coverage for the money. I haven't looked at their rates recently, but other GI policies, such as Gerber or AIG would likely beat their rates easily.
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Colonial Penn is a direct marketer ... Lots of people have CP policies because they responded to the tv ad. Some of those people ... could probably do much better with nearly any other FE carrier.

I met with a lady today who was paying $110/month for $9K in coverage from Colonial Penn. She will now have many thousands more in coverage for just $3 a month more than she had been paying, and she will be getting back a nice check for the accumulated cash value. I love when they tell me they have Colonial Penn - God Bless Alex Trebek and his overpriced shilling!

So $1300 AP but terrible ROI as I Paid $20 for the lead but had to door knock her once a week for seven weeks before I finally found her home (her lead came in 7/2). I should have just thrown that lead in the trash a month ago.

PS It was a calendarleads.com Facebook lead ... I don't think even @HoosierLife believes me when I say I knock 'em til I meet 'em!