Would any Medd supp. company underwrite someone in nursing home?

I have a nursing home in the state of NJ that send me customers, they want everyone off MAPD, & to go to original Medicare with Med Supp.

I was able to get someone guaranteed when they moved from out of state.

Assuming they can otherwise pass UW would being in SNF be automatic decline with all companies?
Jack… if your client is permanently a resident in a nursing home then I suggest that you put them on a Nursing home plan such as the UHC nursing home plan. Most agents cannot write it so I always turn those clients over to my local UHC rep. It is the right thing to do. They get more personalized services.
I have a nursing home in the state of NJ that send me customers, they want everyone off MAPD, & to go to original Medicare with Med Supp.

I was able to get someone guaranteed when they moved from out of state.

Assuming they can otherwise pass UW would being in SNF be automatic decline with all companies?

What Somarco said. Medicare not covering custodial/long term care (which is what nursing home care is) is pretty basic knowledge in this business. Medicaid pays for that. Some nursing home facilities also have a SNF, which may be who is contacting you.

Skilled Nursing Facilities don't like MA plans. That's because MA plans don't let them keep members there for almost 3 weeks no questions asked the way that Original Medicare does. Along with maybe home health, SNF is perhaps the most anti-MA category of providers.
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In my area there are many nursing homes that only provide custodial and intermediate care that are not licensed for skilled care.

Ditto. This is the traditional role or niche of nursing homes.

I don't know how they do it in Jersey, but I can think of as many SNF facilities that are inside of hospitals as I can of ones in nursing homes. They do exist, but it is not the majority. The Health South type stand alone skilled nursing facilities ("Rehab hospitals") are more common.
What Somarco said. Medicare not covering custodial/long term care (which is what nursing home care is) is pretty basic knowledge in this business. Medicaid pays for that. Some nursing home facilities also have a SNF, which may be who is contacting you.

Skilled Nursing Facilities don't like MA plans. That's because MA plans don't let them keep members there for almost 3 weeks no questions asked the way that Original Medicare does. Along with maybe home health, SNF is perhaps the most anti-MA category of providers.
Not that black and white.

we have agents right this very day working all over the state writing MAPD on nursing home patients. On this day, an agent just completed 3 enrollments in a nursing home and here it's not even noon.

I just got off the phone and email on where the rest of my contracting is at so I can do this as well.
"I have a nursing home in the state of NJ that send me customers, they want everyone off MAPD, & to go to original Medicare with Med Supp.

I was able to get someone guaranteed when they moved from out of state.

Assuming they can otherwise pass UW would being in SNF be automatic decline with all companies?"

Give me your tired, your poor, yearning to be insured.

often followed by "didn't Obamacare change that?" or "I'll just wait until 'Open Season' to sign up for a Supplement." NOPE.
