Doing stuff like this will kill your lapse ratio.
He'll keep the policy. He thinks he can cancel, but show him on the cert where the certificate holder will get notified of the cancellation and he'll change his tune.
If not, send the cancellation notice to the cert holder, they will ask him for proof of the new policy and then he'll be back to reinstate it.
Yes, this hassle is worth a decent broker fee, even if you don't normally charge them.
He'll keep the policy. He thinks he can cancel, but show him on the cert where the certificate holder will get notified of the cancellation and he'll change his tune.
If not, send the cancellation notice to the cert holder, they will ask him for proof of the new policy and then he'll be back to reinstate it.
Yes, this hassle is worth a decent broker fee, even if you don't normally charge them.