Wow NEW UPDATED Medicare Card Benefits...!

Is that Siri making the call.

Did the foreigner say "God bless you"???

This is disgusting. Some of my clients had similar calls last AEP. Some of the calls were from "Wellcare" (they have WC PDP)
SO MANY OF MINE GOT THESE. I had one who received incessant calls and text messages asking her to schedule an appointment to update her coverage.

I feel terrible for many of them who do not what's going on and who to believe.
WC "bought" the PDP clients to market to them. They will hit them hard this AEP to move to their MAPD in house.

About 4 years ago, the agency I worked with in Nashville TN decided to start doing telemarketing. They got us contracted with a bunch of states and the contracting with the companies (different contract if you do telesales vs ftf). We had two of three different lead generators transferring calls. One of them was Wellcare, wanting us to move the pdp to mapd.

I was ignorant of how the system worked and truly thought these people had sent in information or wanted to be contacted. Felt like an absolute fraud, even though I truly was trying to help them find a better plan if I could. My manager got upset with me because I was telling too many people that the plan they had was fine and not selling them. I lasted 3 months. Went to a different agency and back to local, face to face sales. The only good thing I could say about the agency is they used American call centers, and if someone asked to be taken off the call list, we were told to 100% do it.

And now my phone number is attached to some data base that says I have Medicare and I get these calls constantly. (My husband has the Medicare and he gets no calls) No matter what I do or say, the number of calls never decreases. Even when I hang in there long enough to talk to a live person and tell them I don't have Medicare. So obviously I didn't fill out a form of request information or anything like that.
I haven't listened to the whole thing but even with the disclaimers it did not sound like they ever said we do not work with every plan offered
I'm in my 50s and today alone I started getting calls at 830 am, and theyre still happening.

It's a never ending shit show of calls

CMS has all these rules and regulations that's supposed to help, and they cannot enforce them at all. So the the call centers do whatever the hell they want.

That's odd . . . because crooks ALWAYS obey the laws.

Speed limits always work and no one dares exceed the limit.

DUI laws have completely eliminated driving under the influence.

Gun laws prevent violent criminals from using a firearm.

If CMS is having a problem enforcing the law maybe they need to try harder
My dad loved Siri, called her Sara.

He asked her one day, to be the funny guy he always is, where the whore houses were in Vegas. Siri told him that was inappropriate. LOL.

Your Siri remark reminded me of how silly he was....he loved that damn thing and would argue with me to switch to Iphone. I did and went right back to Android in 3 months.

Getting closer to AEP I expect the OM vs MAPD gonna amp up again. lol

My dad is legally blind and uses Siri to text. One day I got several texts that didn't make much sense. The last one came in and just said "This bitch can't listen"