You might want to avoid NW in CA for awhile



I had two LONG phone conversations with Nationwide people today. One was a sales support guy, the other was in UW.

They have all been given layoff notices, most effective in Nov., a few on Jan.1. They can apply to HealthNet but from what I can see not many want to. HealthNet is going to keep the outside sales staff from what I hear. I "recruited" one of the guys I spoke to into talking to Colonial since he is already licensed. Many of the UW people are looking for jobs with the GAs or as PAs or HR in large firms here. No one at NW is happy about how this transition is going. Having had experience with HN before, I'm not surprised. They have the corporate infrastruture from hell... however they claim all their bottlenecks have been eliminated and that they are 'better." It doesn't look like it if this transition is any indication.

The entire NW organization is in disarray with so many people leaving each day (can you blame them?) They have a lot of temp workers (in UW.)

If you have other choices, I think it would be wise not to write their plans until the dust settles. I'm having a devil of a time getting NW's UW to make a final determination on a case. Seems they are waiting on APS, have asked EasyCopy to get the records, but have not followed up such that the case has been pended for a month now. They want ME (or client) to call the doc and get the records. So I did. The point is that I should NOT have to do their work for them... but it was not a big deal. I just want to get the damn case adjudicated one way or the other.

My advice is to write NW only for absolutely clean cases. Anything else is going to face a long, long delay if my experience is any indication of how their process is (not) working.

Their underwriting has been horrible lately. I've caught them in mistake after mistake. The whole transition to Health Net was and still is horrible.

I almost lost a couple of clients because of their lamebrain mistakes.
Nationwide badmouths HealthNet & HealthNet badmouths Nationwide.

I'm very apprehensive about recommending them for awhile.
I do not think I heard reasonable explanation on what is exactly going on with Nationwide. I know that underwriting for nationwide is going to be done by HealthNet. HealthNet might be more efficient when it comes to underwriting bu they are A LOT more strict. It interesting how Nationwide application say HealthNet on them. From I am getting now is that you have to purchase Farm Bureau membership to get health insurance through HealthNet?
I do not think I heard reasonable explanation on what is exactly going on with Nationwide. I know that underwriting for nationwide is going to be done by HealthNet. HealthNet might be more efficient when it comes to underwriting bu they are A LOT more strict. It interesting how Nationwide application say HealthNet on them. From I am getting now is that you have to purchase Farm Bureau membership to get health insurance through HealthNet?

You have to purchase the Farm Bureau membership to get access to the farm bureau health plans now underwritten by HealthNet, which are completely separate from HealthNets own line of products.

As far as HealthNet being more strict than Nationwide I have not heard or seen that yet. Nationwide in and of itself was pretty strict in my opinion on underwriting. I think they will be more efficient, especially when the whole "hand-off" is over. HealthNet has "promised" to increase the farm bureau health plan book by over 33%, something I'm not sure they can do...especially here in the valley because a lot of people that I'm talking to can't stand HealthNet.

I'm keeping close tabs on the whole thing especially since my client base is very agriculturally based.
...especially here in the valley because a lot of people that I'm talking to can't stand HealthNet.

I'm keeping close tabs on the whole thing especially since my client base is very agriculturally based.
Just curious, where are you located?

I'm planning on buying 20 acres in Dinuba within the next 6 months and hope to move into that area in the next couple of years.

Just curious, where are you located?

I'm planning on buying 20 acres in Dinuba within the next 6 months and hope to move into that area in the next couple of years.


And the big housewarming BBQ will be when? Need to put it on my calendar you know :yes:
Just curious, where are you located?

I'm planning on buying 20 acres in Dinuba within the next 6 months and hope to move into that area in the next couple of years.


I'm from Visalia, which is only a stone's throw from Dinuba (about 20 minutes) lol small world.

So what are we having for barbeque?
I'm from Visalia, which is only a stone's throw from Dinuba (about 20 minutes) lol small world.

So what are we having for barbeque?
I've done a reasonable amount of Senior business in Tulare county the past couple of years. I tend to drive up from the San Fernando Valley and stay at the Residence Inn on Ayers.

Probably need to start making new trips again in November.
