1 Guess:Most Expensive Key Word on Google Is?

SEO isn't dead, but there is a combination strategy where you push PPC traffic to push up SEO traffic and vice versa.

Most of the lead vendors, if not all, are doing it via ppc, not seo.

You can do the same thing and get in there under the lead cost, if you are willing to manage your own PPC campaigns.
Carriers are driving up the cost for sure & have been for a while.

Consolidation in the industry:
Allstate buying Answer Financial, eFinancial.
BankRate buying NetQuote, InsureME
AllWebLeads buying InsuranceLeads.com

This space is getting interesting, changing. It is not easy to stay on top of it.

Is SEO better than PPC? Depends on who you talk to:) I think in the long run, yes. But one can drive results quicker, faster with PPC. Especially when one is a new company. SEO takes commitment over the long haul, consistency. Last years "tricks" for SEO don't work this year. Analytics is constantly being tweaked & it is "voodoo" to some:) There is no Google Analytics for SEO, only PPC. Why? PPC is where Google makes their money!

that's my $.02 anyway. Interesting stuff.:idea:
I'm just teasing of course. I wouldn't click on something so somebody gets charged $$$. I just wouldn't do it myself. Seems like a way to rack up a real big bill. There should be some kind of law against people doing that.
My vote goes to atlanta mesothelioma lawyers at $226.99 Approximate CPC.;)

Nice find, the settlement one is the one I found with the most volume, but $226 is a bit more. Now if you excuse me, I got some random site building to do... haha