200K Per Year with an 8th Grade Education...

Yesterday I met a man in his 50's that never made it past the 8th grade. He has been selling final expense for about 10 years. He has been with one company. His manager showed me the numbers for the week and he was already at 3000k annualized premium on Tuesday. He had an award hanging on the company wall for doing 35,000k in one month. So, I tried to pick this guy's brain. Here are some of the results.

Me: What are your favorite lead sources?
Agent: I do not care where the lead comes from. I work harder than anyone. I sometimes call lead cards 10 to 15 times. I have sold lead cards a year old. Give me a lead and I will make sales.
Me: How do you get referrals?
Agent: I try to leave the house with 5 names. I tell the client that they have to have 5 friends who need the same coverage. After doing that for 10 years, you would be amazed at the number of sales.
My observation is that he works hard, does not complain about leads, makes no excuses and finds a way. Oh, by the way he has about 5 agents writing under him now that are doing very well. I am the first to complain about leads. Maybe I need to spend less time complaining and more time calling old leads!

I love this story... I also love meeting people like this...I bet this guy never gave up and is really a hard worker..
This is my own little thing when it comes to leads. You have to T.A.L.K.

Timing- Did you catch them at a good time, a bad time? What is occurring in their life right now?
Appearance - (even over the phone you should smile) I've always been told, "Dress for success". It always worked for me. Or at least in my mind it did and that's important...my mindset.
Likability - You have to be likable or they just won't buy... period! Listen to them find out what they are like and mirror them. People like people who are similar to them, don't you?
Keep on - Keep on working like you are looking for your first sale. Remember your 1st sale? You probably sold it more out of enthusiasm than product knowledge! Where did that enthusiasm go? Find it, Keep it, Own it!
