2011 Aetna Plan Cancled


1000 Post Club
In 2011 I enrolled a client on a individual Aetna plan. In August they terminated him with a couple other clients. That's a SEP but somebody told me it's not a mec so it's not. I was under the understanding if his policy get's terminated as long as it's not because of non-payment they qualify for a sep.

I left a message for my rep. I want to make sure I'm correct because I enrolled him already.
Carriers & Healthcare.gov have confirmed this when I have called. You should check with yours, though, to be sure they are up on this, and if they need documentation. It was unclear what carrier you used for the new coverage. If Aetna, I just called them a couple days ago to confirm this for a daughter leaving the mother's group insurance at open enrollment, due to high cost for dependent. It's going to work fine, in this case due to no need for subsidy (employer coverage available), and the loss of coverage date is the SEP trigger.
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I've done many of these. Most went back with Aetna OFF exchange. Even though they termed the policy themselves, Aetna will still require a copy of the termination letter.

If carriers are giving you a problem, HC.gov will issue the policy with no proof necessary, with or without subsidy.
If carriers are giving you a problem, HC.gov will issue the policy with no proof necessary, with or without subsidy.

They make this sheet up as they go.

I had a former client that let coverage lapse in March. Called me and I told them to call me back in Nov, OR, call goodluck.gov.

They called.

hc desk said loss of coverage was a QE.