2013 Goals: 300 Lives -- Post Your Goals, Too!

For the managers out there.....Chime in and give us your goals.

Don't give us production numbers from your down line. Give us an Idea of how you will help boost your down line agents into production that will qualify for a convention with one of your carriers.

My definition of goal setting for managers is in the number of agents that qualify for convention with one of my carriers. This takes effort on a managers part in training and assisting the agent in their own goal setting and accountability practices.

I believe most managers that are independent forget that the agent is the reason for their success and need to focus on creating their platforms to assist that agent in achieving their goals.

Just my thoughts....
When I worked at AIL, 20 appointments a week was pretty standard. I was also too young and broke to know any better also :D

Who is seeing 20 ppl a week... let alone writing 15 apps in that same week? Maybe one out of 50K agents? These numbers sound good and certainly many could do this one week, maybe two, but not sustainable over the period of a year for most. Plus many do not want to work that hard either... dang, 20 appts a week that is pulling into the driveway of 1000 homes in a year. I would get leg cramps just doing that much stop and go driving at my age.

What I have found for goal setting is 'Realistic Goals' make for attainable goals. Set goals that you can and will meet, then revise your goals upward from there. Setting such a sky high goal that most likely will not be obtained is counter productive... [I think I heard Zig Zigler say that 30 yrs ago - RIP Zig].