2025 Blue Cross Okla. Rates released


100+ Post Club
Blue Cross Ok 2025 rates released and it ain't pretty. Close to 20% increase .
I'll bet money Oklahoma Birthday Rule drove a large percentage of increase.

Rates on producer portal under outline of coverage.
Any change involving GI health insurance has a major impact on rates.

I seem to recall an *** saying rates would rise no more than 3% when Obamacare was implemented.

Did they cut commissions too?
Blue Cross Ok 2025 rates released and it ain't pretty. Close to 20% increase .
I'll bet money Oklahoma Birthday Rule drove a large percentage of increase.

Rates on producer portal under outline of coverage.

Whoa, I had not seen that yet! That is ugly! Im gonna have to move my healthy folks away from there!

I have to imagine they will continue to be the go to company for the birthday rule folks. How long do you suspect until there are no companies paying commission on the birthday rule business?

For the agents who havent been following along. The Oklahoma insurance commissioner went out of his way to screw Oklahoma insurance agents. (and the vast majority of insureds)

He is allowing the carriers to "interpret the birthday rule" as they wish, unlike the other states who have implemented the birthday rule. He said verbatim "we dont want to tell the insurers what to do, we believe in free markets" ....while at the same time, he meddled in the free market.

Must be convenient for the ins com to be able to speak out of both sides of his mouth.