Wellcare $0 PDP in 2025

I'm going to tell all mu clients that I have lost confidence in Wellcare and my recommendation is they switch to another PDP for 2025, especially if they want me to be able to service them.

I'll cite the fact that the recent moves indicate that Wellcare is doing everything they can to get out of the PDP market by not working with agents.

I'll make it clear that if they decide to stay with Wellcare, I'll be more than glad to services their Med Sup needs, but they're on their own with Precription Drugs. I suspect that at least half of my book of Wellcare business will move if not more.

Here's the problem with that: who are you going to move them to? Cigna and collect $12/yr? Or a carrier charging over $30/mo, just to make $4.58/mo?

The PDP business is over.
But I'm not wasting time moving existing pdp clients.
I'm going to move the $10/mo SmartSaverRX people in NJ being mapped to the $50/ Choice Plan. It's less than 50 people for me. Not a waste of my time or energy and it will and save them money- and cut down on complaints. Local Blue Cross plan in NJ is similar benefits at $20/mo and happens to be commissionable. The Wellcare Value Scripts? Not wasting time moving them until Wellcare does what Aetna did this year.
All my WellCare clients are getting a typed letter explaining the HIGHLY unethical decision WellCare made to steal our pay.

On it, they will have an explanation of why I won't be able to service them any longer, and if they would like to voice their opposition to this and advocate for the service of themselves, they can call WellCare and CMS.

I'm then gonna put both of those phone numbers on the sheet. As much as I'd love to continue helping these people, I am not running a charity and cannot operate a business like this.

I need to utilize and allocate that very extensive amount of time into something else that will actually keep a roof over my head and my lights and water on.

PDP's always paid the least and were the hugest time suck. Now with no pay, there is no reason to take on this kind of stress and legal liability.

In person, I'm also going to explain that doing business with a company whose ethics level is set in hell is likely not a good idea.

If I was on Medicare, I wouldn't trust this company to even pay my claims.
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Wonder if there's any chance WellCare can change the decison on renewals? Seems like agents are cornered , Humana has some plans that come out next week but it's not looking good , the PDP business will be a thing of the past it looks like . I talked to FMOs who basically said a lawsuit will not have any grounds , even though ethically they are wrong . Michael Carson is a brave man to literally steal from thousands of agents… if you cannot trust a company to do business with why ever work with them at any level . You would think that CMS would look at the situation and say you guys monopolized the market and now agents are out of pay for servicing your customers without a way to move them ; you must honor your previous contract to be on good standing . Instead of this we are fighting for illegals to get a $150,000 home loan here in California… it's Fd up . I'm not going to starve but now I have to cut costs . At least football starts tonight 👍
I too don't want to move people to a $27 plan just for $12 if it's not a smart move for the client.

But, if I can't tell my clients what their copays are with WellCare, they'll still won't to know what the other options are. And I have to spend time doing that.
All my WellCare clients are getting a typed letter explaining the HIGHLY unethical decision WellCare made to steal our pay.

On it, they will have an explanation of why I won't be able to service them any longer, and if they would like to voice their opposition to this and advocate for the service of themselves, they can call WellCare and CMS.

I'm then gonna put both of those phone numbers on the sheet. As much as I'd love to continue helping these people, I am not running a charity and cannot operate a business like this.

I need to utilize and allocate that very extensive amount of time into something else that will actually keep a roof over my head and my lights and water on.

PDP's always paid the least and were the hugest time suck. Now with no pay, there is no reason to take on this kind of stress and legal liability.

In person, I'm also going to explain that doing business with a company whose ethics level is set in hell is likely not a good idea.

If I was on Medicare, I wouldn't trust this company to even pay my claims.
So - you're on the fence about recommending them in the future I take it.