22 Years Old and My Ears Are Open

Ann H you are very good at communicating with words.. I guess I feel humbled and a pinch of humiliation right now.. but I guess sometimes that's needed to keep a level head.

but.. I feel in order to have this good mentorship I desire (for the experience and priceless education), I have to join another company. The uplines I have just picked this job up because they had nothing else going for them, and they laugh off anyone who talks about having college education in insurance or having a title. "You don't need that to play this game" is what they say when I talk about my upper division classes for insurance. They're parents too with lots of kids, so they don't hate the idea of college, but they put me down every chance they get when I talk about going for a higher level of education. They just want to turn a quick profit out of me and I see right through it like glass. I've seen 4 kids my age get manipulated and thrown away under this team in my city. It kind of sucks..any they use me as leverage to get more kids sucked in. "But look, we already have someone your age in here who's doing very well"

I don't know why, but I believe working under someone with the title CFP, or holding at least as many licenses as I do is the ticket to the golden experience I need so I can be on the industry's standard level of 'conditioning' (lack of better word, Im thinking of a sports athlete being in shape for the big leagues). Right now, I'm working under a guy who used to be at UPS before this. He's great at leadership, charisma, and manager skills, I've picked up many lessons on that, but when it comes to ethics and a good, intelligent business plan he lacks and that's where I feel uncomfortable.

Reading over my last few statements..maybe I'm complaining too much and I just need to get to work..

Hopefully in the next few weeks I can report back with a happier story saying I found what I've been looking for. We will see..
Hoorah55 said:
Ann H you are very good at communicating with words.. I guess I feel humbled and a pinch of humiliation right now.. but I guess sometimes that's needed to keep a level head.

but.. I feel in order to have this good mentorship I desire (for the experience and priceless education), I have to join another company. The uplines I have just picked this job up because they had nothing else going for them, and they laugh off anyone who talks about having college education in insurance or having a title. "You don't need that to play this game" is what they say when I talk about my upper division classes for insurance. They're parents too with lots of kids, so they don't hate the idea of college, but they put me down every chance they get when I talk about going for a higher level of education. They just want to turn a quick profit out of me and I see right through it like glass. I've seen 4 kids my age get manipulated and thrown away under this team in my city. It kind of sucks..any they use me as leverage to get more kids sucked in. "But look, we already have someone your age in here who's doing very well"

I don't know why, but I believe working under someone with the title CFP, or holding at least as many licenses as I do is the ticket to the golden experience I need so I can be on the industry's standard level of 'conditioning' (lack of better word, Im thinking of a sports athlete being in shape for the big leagues). Right now, I'm working under a guy who used to be at UPS before this. He's great at leadership, charisma, and manager skills, I've picked up many lessons on that, but when it comes to ethics and a good, intelligent business plan he lacks and that's where I feel uncomfortable.

Reading over my last few statements..maybe I'm complaining too much and I just need to get to work..

Hopefully in the next few weeks I can report back with a happier story saying I found what I've been looking for. We will see..

CFP also known as "Can't f@ck*** produce". Nothing wrong with education however your classes don't teach you about how to sell insurance there was very little knowledge in the insurance licensing or securities registration exams that prepared you to help someone.

In regards to your upline who used to work for UPS that's what he used to do apperently now he sells insurance and is good enough to get college educated people to sign contracts under him and introduce him to thier close family and friends. I say this as just another way of looking at this.
Having multiple letters of the alphabet behind your name has no bearing on how succesful you will be or who can be a good mentor. Having spent time on the wholesale end for VAs and MFs I can tell you right now that the majority of those individuals are not who you should be modeling your practice on. Most couldn't sell water to a thirsty Eskimo in the Sahara in the middle of July. No matter what your method is, consultative or product focused, this is a sales business. Fees or Commissions require skills not acquired through the American College or any College for that matter.
Having multiple letters of the alphabet behind your name has no bearing on how succesful you will be or who can be a good mentor. Having spent time on the wholesale end for VAs and MFs I can tell you right now that the majority of those individuals are not who you should be modeling your practice on. Most couldn't sell water to a thirsty Eskimo in the Sahara in the middle of July. No matter what your method is, consultative or product focused, this is a sales business. Fees or Commissions require skills not acquired through the American College or any College for that matter.

I have a similar background and agree completely. Some are successful with the letters, some without. I can't think of one producer that was successful BECAUSE of their designation.

Learn how to sell yourself first (and a good mentor will teach you how to do this). People will do business with you for one main reason: Trust. They trust that you know what you're talking about, they trust that you understand their needs and they trust that you'll do the right thing.

Good luck with whatever path you choose.
I thought it would be worth it to make a rebuttal as to my qualifications as a salesman to all the nay sayers..

I re-read this post every week along with a few others off different forums, and here's my biggest beef with the older crowd telling me I'm not cut for this job....

Because I haven't put up numbers, because I haven't recruited every breathing body I know of, because I don't openly discuss policies and financial plans with all people I run into every day, I'm somehow a failure in this business. I'll never be successful.

I work for Primerica, that was the first company I signed on with, and its the company I'm still signed under today.

With that said, there is a very good reason to why I haven't sold anything, why I don't want "salesmanship experience" just yet. I would consider myself evil if I dared to sell any of this company's crap products to people I care about. That's the truth. There's being a salesman, and then there's being a good human being. Everything top to bottom from their insurance policies, to the mutual funds, and smart loans, its all bad. But here's the ugly truth.. Working under this company, they literally brain-wash the agents to believe what we sell is the BEST product money can buy. Just read this guy's blog and you'll better understand my beef with this company, he hits the nail right on the head.

The Truth About Primerica!

So when I hear all these negative comments about "this kid doesn't know how to sell", you may be right, because I refuse to learn off of crap products making people's lives worse than when I first met them. If there's one thing I have more of than most people in this world, is trust. I'm a leading example to all men and women my age, and I'm just starting to pry into the older generations. How about that? 30-40 year olds trusting a 22 year old kid because when I talk, I speak logical truth. Go figure that out..

By endlessly researching and endlessly 'over analyzing' every possible source of information I get my hands on, I've come closer to mastering this industry than I would have become just blindly selling products. I want to know what I'm talking about before I sell anything.. now why is that such a bad philosophy?

Now.. I'm learning how to sell, just not with 'experienced agents' in this company of mine.. I've got people like brain tracy, anthony robbins, multi million dollar real estate investors, and many, many, many more sources like them to fill me up with good information. Why learn from chickens when you can learn from eagles? Plus, there's the bias factor you have to add in. Any upline would always withhold information to their recruits so that they can always keep the upper hand. Truthfully I believe no manager wants to see an employee rise up past him, take his spot, and then make him the employee. So I have noticed the glass ceiling multiple times with my uplines to only teach me enough to sell the product, but not enough to think for myself.

So there's my little rant to say something back to every person who thinks they know me so well and that I'll never make it as a salesman in this world. You don't know anything about me but what I have shared, and most of what I shared is filtered for a reason. To everyone else who has pointed me to new directions like independent firms and investment firms, thank you, that was very helpful. To everyone who says I can't sell, maybe that's a direct reflection upon your own character. I'm a damn good speaker, and I will outsell anyone should the fight/debate be brought to my feet. I just choose to be passive for this time being so that when I feel I'm ready, ill be the best of the best that I can be.

End rant.
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Tahoe Ray, I just noticed your point after my rant, thank you for giving me one of the best pieces of advise that I've seen so far in this online learning process of mine. Along with advise from a few helpful others, I'm on what I believe is the right path, and I'm about to lead an army of students from my college and social crowds to follow a similar ethical business pattern.
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If you feel this way about your products then its a good thing your not selling them....but it does beg the question of why.....

Why are you still appointed with them if you feel this way if you have a securities registration and are intrastate to move to a new B/D you can be unregistered for 2 years. Also once you cut your ties to primerica is when the clock on nocompete nonsolicitation agreements start.

I dislike many things with Primerica namely the requirement to recruit to increase commissions but they do give you a track to run on. Second as long as your bettering a customer even primericas term is better than no coverage.

I wish you the best of luck, just don't let yourself get to over analyzing yourself into inaction.
If you feel this way about your products then its a good thing your not selling them....but it does beg the question of why.....

Why are you still appointed with them if you feel this way if you have a securities registration and are intrastate to move to a new B/D you can be unregistered for 2 years. Also once you cut your ties to primerica is when the clock on nocompete nonsolicitation agreements start.

I dislike many things with Primerica namely the requirement to recruit to increase commissions but they do give you a track to run on. Second as long as your bettering a customer even primericas term is better than no coverage.

I wish you the best of luck, just don't let yourself get to over analyzing yourself into inaction.

Back in my Adult Daycare days I recruited some PFS agents. The ones that sold there sold even more with me. The ones that did not, did not.
Back in my Adult Daycare days I recruited some PFS agents. The ones that sold there sold even more with me. The ones that did not, did not.

I can find something wrong with any product on the planet, including the ones I presently sell, sold this week, week before, last year, year before, etc.

But I keep on selling because it solves a problem and puts the person in a better position than before they met me.

I really don't care for Primerica, but overpriced term is better than no term.
VolAgent said:
I can find something wrong with any product on the planet, including the ones I presently sell, sold this week, week before, last year, year before, etc.

But I keep on selling because it solves a problem and puts the person in a better position than before they met me.

I really don't care for Primerica, but overpriced term is better than no term.

Very true statement. Also true they have some overpriced mutual funds but they also have access to the same American funds and AiM and other fund families that I sold while registered. Was their smart loan great no but it could be better than the loan the people had though I laughed when the Primerica RVP showed me a slide trying to make the case why a 9% loan with them would be less interest than the same loan at 5% with someone else what his slide left out was the difference in the biweekly payment compared to the monthly payments everyone else was using thereby paying twice as much with Primerica.

We beat up on Bankers life on here but if I had to go back 13 years I know I could ethically sell thier product as they do or at least did have some niches.
I don't want to sell off from this company because if I do, and then I leave.. I can't touch those customers for two years.

It looks bad too if I sell off everyone I know only to have them switch 2-5 years down the road. "oops, made a mistake, this policy/company is much better". I'm thinking of all the adults I know of and to me, this would be mistrustful to pull a move like that. It's like 'why did you sell me on the first one if you knew this second one was better?'

In the next week I will be door to door shopping with local independents in my local community. As soon as I find one I like, I will begin the switch and resign from PRI. I really like the idea of working under someone who has 20+ years of experience in the biz. My gut feeling tells me this, and I'm following it.

"I can find something wrong with any product on the planet, including the ones I presently sell, sold this week, week before, last year, year before, etc."

Yes but the difference I see is being able to sell from a list of options versus being only able to sell one product.

I understand the logic of any policy is better than no policy, but for those people I know/are close with, my reputation is also at stake along with the policy. I want to be able to defend my choices that they are the best I can do for them.
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"Also once you cut your ties to primerica is when the clock on nocompete nonsolicitation agreements start." I'm not so sure what is meant by this?

thanks for everyone's input
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