

New Member
Does anyone have any experience working with American National - rolling over pension plans; 401(k)'s in general?
Do you know of any other IMO/FMO's doing the same?
Yes, I've sold a few Annuities. One of the products offered to fund the 401(k) plan is a variable annuity and I'm not fond of variable annuities so I thought maybe some one might have a different view and maybe either confirm my dislike or teach me to like them. Just hoping for some help. I like working B2B but I don't want to pitch variable annuities feeling the way I do now.
Yes, I've sold a few Annuities. One of the products offered to fund the 401(k) plan is a variable annuity and I'm not fond of variable annuities so I thought maybe some one might have a different view and maybe either confirm my dislike or teach me to like them. Just hoping for some help. I like working B2B but I don't want to pitch variable annuities feeling the way I do now.

I'm new to this site but started workin for an agency a couple days ago that can prob explain all of this to you...his name is dennis from ohio
I'm new to this site but started workin for an agency a couple days ago that can prob explain all of this to you...his name is dennis from ohio

I tried to look Dennis up; to get clarification, and to my surprise found that there are almost 1.3 million Dennis's in OHIO.

Where should I start? :D
ANICO had a non-registered VA for 401(k)'s. I believe you now need to be licensed to sell VA's in order to sell this product.

That said, if you are a reg rep, or iar, why would you sell this product? No reason to wrap a 401(k) inside an annuity.

If you are only insurance licensed, then you can still set-up ira's in the workplace and sell indexed or fixed annuities. Nothing to stop an employer from giving a bonus and directing it to the employees ira.
Yes, I've sold a few Annuities. One of the products offered to fund the 401(k) plan is a variable annuity and I'm not fond of variable annuities so I thought maybe some one might have a different view and maybe either confirm my dislike or teach me to like them. Just hoping for some help. I like working B2B but I don't want to pitch variable annuities feeling the way I do now.
I am a financial advisor. Most of my client 401K rollover were variable annuity. The reason for variable annuity is to gain better return compared with fixed annuity. The way we do it is to use professional money manager to manage the money. Many time, the financial advisor has to give advice to which funds to put for the client. Since we use professional money manager, it is all handled without worry from the client and advisor. Send me an PM and I can explain more details on how to get better return and without big risk on variable annuity.
Yes, I've sold a few Annuities. One of the products offered to fund the 401(k) plan is a variable annuity and I'm not fond of variable annuities so I thought maybe some one might have a different view and maybe either confirm my dislike or teach me to like them. Just hoping for some help. I like working B2B but I don't want to pitch variable annuities feeling the way I do now.

Couldn't agree with you more. Companies are still trying to dress variables up as indexed accounts, but when then market goes down so does your cash value.
I am a financial advisor. Most of my client 401K rollover were variable annuity. The reason for variable annuity is to gain better return compared with fixed annuity. The way we do it is to use professional money manager to manage the money. Many time, the financial advisor has to give advice to which funds to put for the client. Since we use professional money manager, it is all handled without worry from the client and advisor. Send me an PM and I can explain more details on how to get better return and without big risk on variable annuity.
I'd like to know exactly how you sell a Variable annuity without the big risk. To my understanding you can easily lose money which is a big risk.