
why would you wrap a 401(k) in a VA?
401K rollover has a few choices, mutual fund, fix annuity and fixed index annuity and variable annuity. The mutual fund and variable annuity are about the same risk level compared with original 401K. If the client has 10 years to go before retire, why not invest in better return for the long term?
401K rollover has a few choices, mutual fund, fix annuity and fixed index annuity and variable annuity. The mutual fund and variable annuity are about the same risk level compared with original 401K. If the client has 10 years to go before retire, why not invest in better return for the long term?

first you leave out some options for an IRA such as individual stocks, bonds, UITs, gold or other precious metals, real estate and more...Granted a VA or Mutual fund can have a comparable risk level as the original 401K but definatly do not have the same expense levels and I would never make a blanket statement that would say a VA has a better return than mutual funds...It is possible but with all other things being equal subaccounts managed by the same managers as the mutual fund etc normally the VA with its high expense would be the loser.