403B Leads & Turn Key Seminar System.

Ok genius...let me give you little marketing 101 here and a mathematics lesson while we are at it . You claim no one would leave this business. Well I just did. Well, I didn't leave it, I'm just looking to teach it now.

Those who can't, teach. "This didn't work for me, but I'm sure I can teach you to do it!"

But I'm also a GA with high level contracts.

Who the hell isn't? NAA and Primerica reps?
I love these threads that come into the leads section, they always follow the same progression.

  • New guy sees burgeoning section about leads and says to himself "I'm going to write the greatest Dan Kennedy-eqse sales copy and bank!".
  • New guy gets hit by the usual posts about how his shilling is off somehow.
  • New guy gets this crazy idea that by attacking forum members he's going to actually save face and get customers.
How much do you charge for your services?

You can contact me privately with your phone number if interested. Thanks.
Also this is only for California.
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I love these threads that come into the leads section, they always follow the same progression.

  • New guy sees burgeoning section about leads and says to himself "I'm going to write the greatest Dan Kennedy-eqse sales copy and bank!".
  • New guy gets hit by the usual posts about how his shilling is off somehow.
  • New guy gets this crazy idea that by attacking forum members he's going to actually save face and get customers.

I find that good agents and agents with great potential love to hear it straight. Maybe that's why I'm successful. It works. :laugh:
BTW: I have only 2 slots open for my Mid March Seminar. Contact me privately with your name and phone number if interested in attending. It will likely be held in South San Francisco. Thanks!
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This is very odd.
The guy spamming your forum five years ago never got a single "bite", until today.
I know this because he posted MY email address - hobbit surname at Gmail - and someone emailed me today with a question. A few minutes with Google led me here, but I can not begin to imagine what this guy was up to. I have no connection with financial planning at all, I think he just randomly typed the address (It has been mine since Gmail was in Beta, no one else ever had it)

I am a bit curious about this (I know nothing about your business) :1baffled:if anyone can tell me how this could have benefited Mr. "Proprietary System" I'd love to know!
