64 F Oxygen, Heart Issues, Diabetes W/ Complications

Thanks for this info GoIllini. That helps a lot! Like you, I'm in Illinois. Got a call from a relative who is 64/male/Chicago/Diabetic. Wants 10K.

I'm only contracted with Kemper. $10K with them is $124@mo. Has ROP for first 2 years+20%. Is that a decent price ya think?


P.S. If "SNL" is short for Security National Life, I went to their website at: http://www.snlfinalexpense.com/ . But, I don't see how to run quotes. Why do companies entice agents to join, but don't divulge anything unless you fill out a form and are willing to be badgered for years?

Point blank... Is Security National Life a good company to contract with for Final Expense? Looks like they have a LEAD program and ADVANCES. SEEMS to be agent-friendly. Any advice is appreciated.


Hey Allen, you might not want to think about a ROP plan. Diabetes itself is not a problem. Does your relative take insulin...if so, how much? Any other health conditions? Meds? Height and weight normal? You might be able to get him Level coverage at a better rate than SNL.

Yes SNL's a good company, and they're agent friendly, but there are better for 1st day coverage.


Kemper's almost twice as much as Gerber.