A.L.Williams & Hubert Humphrey . . .


I am what I am . . .
5000 Post Club
A.L.Williams & Hubert Humphrey had it figured out from the get go . . .

They used Rockefeller's concept to a T.

""I would rather earn 1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts" . . .

Meaning - you don't get rich by your own work but by leveraging other people's work.

Each of these men built HUGE teams and created billions in AP.
Hubert is still in the business. He runs Hegemon Financial Group once Hubert brought the MLM concept to the company it exploded. It's said at one time ALW had a field force of over 200,000 agents. Art wrote a book called Coach that spells out the history and how he wished he never sold the company.
A.L.Williams & Hubert Humphrey had it figured out from the get go . . .

They used Rockefeller's concept to a T.

""I would rather earn 1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts" . . .

Meaning - you don't get rich by your own work but by leveraging other people's work.

Each of these men built HUGE teams and created billions in AP.

And that's what I've preached on here for a long time. The only way 99.9% of agents can attain true wealth in the ins business is to make a piece of a lot of peoples work . Your duplicating yourself 100's of times over . The problem is you must keep recruiting yr in yr out to replace the ones that leave. But I truely believe if you work as hard as many agents most would succeed and the payoff 10-1 over a single agent
Hubert is still in the business. He runs Hegemon Financial Group once Hubert brought the MLM concept to the company it exploded. It's said at one time ALW had a field force of over 200,000 agents. Art wrote a book called Coach that spells out the history and how he wished he never sold the company.

HFG was acquired by Integrity, too . . .

I have an autographed version of Coach. I was there we he started ALW. I didn't last though. But Art is a Georgia native and lived not far from where I did.

I am in the process of starting up an Agency using Referral Marketing - MLM style. I'm 61 and getting old in the tooth.

We just moved in all of our work station cubicles, chairs, computers, etc.

Someone can get licensed and just refer people looking for Insurance, Medicare, etc and earn a commission -or- they can also be the Writing Agent and earn additional commissions.

Team Over-Rides, Bonus Pools and Incentives

Target launch date of July 1st.
And that's what I've preached on here for a long time. The only way 99.9% of agents can attain true wealth in the ins business is to make a piece of a lot of peoples work . Your duplicating yourself 100's of times over . The problem is you must keep recruiting yr in yr out to replace the ones that leave. But I truely believe if you work as hard as many agents most would succeed and the payoff 10-1 over a single agent

Leverage is the key.
HFG was acquired by Integrity, too . . .

I have an autographed version of Coach. I was there we he started ALW. I didn't last though. But Art is a Georgia native and lived not far from where I did.

I am in the process of starting up an Agency using Referral Marketing - MLM style. I'm 61 and getting old in the tooth.

We just moved in all of our work station cubicles, chairs, computers, etc.

Someone can get licensed and just refer people looking for Insurance, Medicare, etc and earn a commission -or- they can also be the Writing Agent and earn additional commissions.

Team Over-Rides, Bonus Pools and Incentives

Target launch date of July 1st.

Lol . I swear the 3 or so years I've been on here you've had a few call centers , agency , and an alarm business . Your still looking for the golden goose
Lol . I swear the 3 or so years I've been on here you've had a few call centers , agency , and an alarm business . Your still looking for the golden goose

Ha - living the dream ;)

Had a very successful Travel MLM back in the day. One last stab at it before I head the big Pyramid in the sky . . .