AAWV is Recruiting Me

Chris Hansen is an attorney who works on my pay roll and speaks at a great many of my seminars. He obviously is not the same Chris Hansen with Dateline. But it is a clever pun.
I was contacted by them as well. I'm a Vet that just entered the business. I did some Google searches on the A&A benefit and found a guy that taught me how to get the leads myself.

I'm no computer guy and it was pretty simple.

The best thing is that I'm a Vet talking to Vets and also in order for them to apply for the benefit they need to put cash in an annuity to protect it. (VA has no look back)

This normally equated to a senior who has 50k-100k to protect. It's been great so far.. I will let you know more details as time goes on... I'm about 6 months in.

I've read your threads before but didnt quite understand the nature of your market at the time. Are you still working with helping vets qualify for Aid & Attendance benefit? Is it still working well for you?

I've been approached by a couple FMO's (including AAWV) offering this service as a annuity prospecting system but am unsure of their legitimacy and/or effectiveness.

Im a vet myself and interested in more info if you could find the time to show me the next step....

Thanks in advance!
[email protected]
In exchanges for the 50/50 split the provide all marketing materials, seminar, leads and intro in communities, some with Corp endorsements. Sales assistant, scheduling. AAWV has over 10,000 veteran apps approved. They process and submit all VA paperwork and get it approved for the client.