ACA Government Co-Ops: Is This Experiment Working In Your State?

TN co-op priced really high last year so no one bought from them. This year they priced low. Many flocked to them but I don't know if they can handle the onslaught. I only wrote a few with them for 2015 though. Poorest who could not afford the next cheapest carrier. Should be interesting.
TN co-op priced really high last year so no one bought from them. This year they priced low. Many flocked to them but I don't know if they can handle the onslaught. I only wrote a few with them for 2015 though. Poorest who could not afford the next cheapest carrier. Should be interesting.

We have the same 2014 to 2015 changes with the Land of Lincoln Health cooperative here in Illinois. They enrolled only 3,200 last year due to high premiums, and being unknown. So far this year, they've enrolled 27,800, due to premiums being the lowest in the state.

But I learned after enrolling 12 clients with LOLH that they were able to reduce their premiums by 30% in 2015 because on every plan, they removed their ceiling on Out-of-Network exposure. Go on vacation, get sick or hurt and you're liable for a double deductible, plus 50% of all expenses over the limit. I'm now STRONGLY urging individuals to steer clear of LOLH, but still had a family of 4 enroll last week anyway. ($843 @ mo LOLH Bronze -vs- $1,260 with BCBSIL)

They've delayed paying the commissions on January premiums too. Latest word is 2/28/2015...but you know how that goes.

Perhaps the best thing that can happen is that LOLH goes under quickly, thereby creating SEP's for everyone.
TN co-op priced really high last year so no one bought from them. This year they priced low. Many flocked to them but I don't know if they can handle the onslaught. I only wrote a few with them for 2015 though. Poorest who could not afford the next cheapest carrier. Should be interesting.

exactly what went down for me in AZ
February 17, 2015

Consumer groups are complaining that "evil" insurers are not playing fair with Out-of-Network coverage.

Ref: How Insurers Can Hit You With $10,000 Health Care Bills

Yet the worst offender in our state is the Government formed, funded and operated, Land of Lincoln Health cooperative. :goofy: LOLH saddles their insurance customers with NO maximum cap on Out-of-Pocket liability, when they use Out-of-Network providers. How ironic!

Weakest Co-ops as of the end of 2014...

"Many other co-ops appear to be failing. According to S&P, almost a third of the co-ops received more than $20,000 in federal loans for each person covered in 2014:

*The Minuteman Health Inc. Co-op in Massachusetts got more than $156 million and covered only 1,822 people - nearly $86,000 per enrollee.

*The Land of Lincoln Mutual Health Insurance Co-op in Illinois got more than $160 million and covered only 3,428 people - nearly $47,000 per enrollee.

*Freelancers Co-op of Oregon (Health Republic of Oregon) got more than $60 million and covered only 1,279 people - more than $44,000 per enrollee.

*Meritus Mutual Health Partners Co-op in Arizona got more than $93 million and covered only 2,679 people - nearly $35,000 per enrollee.

*Community Health Alliance Mutual Insurance Co-op in Tennessee got more than $73 million and covered only 2,094 people - nearly $35,000 per enrollee.

*Coordinated Health Mutual Inc. Co-op in Ohio got more than $129 million and covered only 4,996 people - nearly $26,000 per enrollee.

*HealthyCT Inc. Co-op in Connecticut got more than $128 million and covered only 6,094 people - more than $21,000 per enrollee."

More at: Republican Policy Committee Paper -- Obamacare's Co-op Debacle
Only a few billion dollars of tax payer money wasted. No biggie.

The risk corridor plan is about to flop as well. Who would have thought actuaries would estimate risk with a margin of error <1% like they have for the past few decades?
Monday March 9, 2015

Our Land of Lincoln Health (LOLH) Illinois co-op direct deposited their first 2015 commission today. No broker portal yet, so no details on commission composition/calculation, but it's a start in the right direction for them.