Ad marketing for dec pages

Agent 0

I'm thinking of doing ads essentially asking people to send in their declarations page and I'll send them a review. I'm going for a value offer to set me apart from "get a quote and save money" considering anyone can easy go get 3 quotes online for their home in 10 minutes if they have all the info on hand.

Has anyone tried ads with any success? Does anyone have any recommendations? What are some reasons it won't work? Are there better ways to do ads?

Of course I can buy leads but I'd prefer to have control of what information is being fed to prospects beginning to end. The end goal is certainly to live off referrals one day.
Send me your Dec pages and I'll give them a thorough review with recommendations and you can then take my advice back to your carrier agent and he/she will fix your policy and premium.
Only works when people are open to changing carriers
A segment I'd certainly be advertising to is the agentless soul. Those people who got a quote online with Progressive four years ago because they had newly become homeowners who had no money to spend on their insurance peace of mind. I want those people to send me their declarations pages. I've seen many who had serious gaps. Obviously when I call these people after sending the review I'm calling with a quote in hand and the changes made for them easy peasy. I've got the upper hand on their current insurer. I'll have the advice to give them and I'll know what they're paying.
I'm sure that whatever gimmick that can be imagined to make sales without work, has been tried by somebody.

Speaking as a consumer, no, I'm not sending my dec pages with all my personal information to somebody off an ad, at least not until I had a conversation with that person, assuming the ad piqued my interest in the first place.
You do not have the upper hand, you are simply showing them gaps that they WILL call their current carrier to fill. I have attempted to save homeowners hundreds of dollars while improving their protection and they won't move unless they wanted to move in the first place.
Take Scheduled Personal Property as an example. An insured had every piece of camera equipment in her bag scheduled, to include lenses retailing for under $250. I asked if it would be a disaster or inconvenience if she "lost" a lens or 2. Each lens on the SPP added premium $. By removing certain lenses she would save many $. She had mens watches valued at under $250 scheduled and costume jewelry.
She thanked me for looking out for her finances, called her agent and changed every recommendation I had given her. She WAS a financial advisor who we subbed some work to. She wondered a few months later why she had not received any references.
You do not have the upper hand, you are simply showing them gaps that they WILL call their current carrier to fill. I have attempted to save homeowners hundreds of dollars while improving their protection and they won't move unless they wanted to move in the first place.
Take Scheduled Personal Property as an example. An insured had every piece of camera equipment in her bag scheduled, to include lenses retailing for under $250. I asked if it would be a disaster or inconvenience if she "lost" a lens or 2. Each lens on the SPP added premium $. By removing certain lenses she would save many $. She had mens watches valued at under $250 scheduled and costume jewelry.
She thanked me for looking out for her finances, called her agent and changed every recommendation I had given her. She WAS a financial advisor who we subbed some work to. She wondered a few months later why she had not received any references.
Might she be an odd one out or have you had situations like this consistently? Did you quote her and were way more expensive?

If someone were to send in their dec page that would clearly hint that they don't entirely trust whoever they are with at the moment.

Also, when I have their dec pages I'll know their X-date. I'm definitely not gonna give up without a fight if I've filled gaps in someone's coverage. They will be hearing from me every X-date and maybe they'll get door knocked when I'm "in the area".
I'm sure that whatever gimmick that can be imagined to make sales without work, has been tried by somebody.

Speaking as a consumer, no, I'm not sending my dec pages with all my personal information to somebody off an ad, at least not until I had a conversation with that person, assuming the ad piqued my interest in the first place.
Not sure that this what I'd call sales without work. I'm actually trying to add in more work upfront on my part doing reviews for people rather than just saying I want to quote them.

The lack of trust factor is definitely a point. Not sure how to get around that but I'm banking on the hope that some consumer's worries about having the right coverage overcomes the leap of faith in submitting documents with their information (even if none of that information is confidential) to someone that they haven't even talked to.
Not sure that this what I'd call sales without work. I'm actually trying to add in more work upfront on my part doing reviews for people rather than just saying I want to quote them.

The lack of trust factor is definitely a point. Not sure how to get around that but I'm banking on the hope that some consumer's worries about having the right coverage overcomes the leap of faith in submitting documents with their information (even if none of that information is confidential) to someone that they haven't even talked to.

Generally when someone buys insurance from a gimmicky ad, they aren't worried about getting good coverage. Rarely does that change over time.

I'm just speaking from experience, not an opinion.
Generally when someone buys insurance from a gimmicky ad, they aren't worried about getting good coverage. Rarely does that change over time.

I'm just speaking from experience, not an opinion.
That's a great point.

Guess my next question is going to be if anyone has any lead guys they recommend? :laugh:
That's a great point.

Guess my next question is going to be if anyone has any lead guys they recommend? :laugh:

Yup. Me. I create all my own leads. Originally I was getting referrals left and right from a referral system I had woven into my sales process, but at this point my phone is ringing so much from my network and existing clients that I've had more business than I have wanted for quite some time.