Advice on Selling Medicare Supplements

One is apt to hear just about anything on here.

If "you" were just starting an agency and hiring agents and all involved were brand new to the product could you resist opening and reading a forty page document that pertained specifically to that product?

Here's what I heard: you gave him the manual because he said he was going to buy YIO for all his agents.

It is claimed that he reneged on his YIO purchase commitment, and said that he never read your material...

Doesn't sound very plausible to me, but no personal opinion, just sayin' what I heard.
Here's what I heard: you gave him the manual because he said he was going to buy YIO for all his agents.

It is claimed that he reneged on his YIO purchase commitment, and said that he never read your material...

Doesn't sound very plausible to me, but no personal opinion, just sayin' what I heard.

Your in information is spot on.

I guess that's my bad. I took him at his word.
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I will, when Rob started his agency he got all of my training information.

Wow, I just saw this and I guess I should set the record straight.

For anyone to think the success of my team, which mirrors the success I've had throughout my sales (23 years) and training career (the last 10 of that) is even remotely related to Frank is completely off base and possibly even delusional.

I read the first line in his presentation and tossed it, deleted the email without more than scanning over it. More as to why in a bit.

But first, YIO will not do what I need it to do (or wouldn't at the time) I needed it to link all of my agents together but was told they had to be in the office in one location for the agency package, so I could not get the package deal but would have to buy separate packages (7 at the time), and since I planned on growing my agency (I have 47 agents now) I'm sure you can see that the costs were not justified, so that was the deal breaker, sound familiar Frank?

As far as Frank's presentation, I (and there are rumors others agree) think it's a bit misleading in it's design (with it's intended usage) I wish I still had the stuff but I don't and I don't recall it exactly, which is probably better off because I shouldn't share it here anyway.

Hey, should Frank take credit for my 8 health agents selling over 30 policies this week at over $100K in premium, with one call closes and tack on sales, literally how my presentation is designed? In our very first week of selling? With a few rookies who never sold before? Or maybe someone else wants to take that credit?

**Frank, you did educate me in the med supp product area a bit, retention, biz stuff, etc. If you feel I owe you for that I'll gladly cut you a check asap. But as far as selling skills, I and my team don't need any help there buddy. In fact you may recall that you told me I sell a lot like you in the hour long discussion we had. We (Frank and I) both sell ourselves and service the client properly, take enough time with them etc. But I feel (Frank) you're a bit archaic for my tastes and for the style of online telephonic insurance sales I've excelled at over the last 8 years, both doing and teaching.

One sale per day as a target and acceptable skill level doesn't do it for me or my agents. And I don't mean that in any insulting manner and it does not diminish you're level of skill or knowledge and caring in any way.

And do you really think I read the mountain of documents you sent out to me? It was like 20 attachments, LOL

Your agents produced these results using Frank's system?

The answer is an emphatic NO!!!!!!!!!!

Why would I, a sales trainer dedicated to health insurance for the last two years, on the Norvax tour, recommended (with testimonials) by reps from most of the major carriers and agencies, ever need his system?

And I'm not sure if he actually has a system, never got that far, when we spoke, he worked off of a list, that he bought, oh, what was it, 6 years ago? And hadn't bought one since (keep in mind this was last year sometime), I even looked up the lead vendor while on the phone with him and the price isn't even close to what he paid for it back then, LOL, it's a different ball game nowadays, don't ya think?

I just tweaked the same system I used in health (and throughout my career prior to health).
  • The presentation design and psychology
  • One call closing
  • Objection overruled (coincidentally they are the same things you here everywhere)
  • Closing questions
  • Etc.
I've had this in place for years and will continue to employ it successfully.

I also tested many lead sources til I landed on a few I thought would work, I'm also still tweaking, testing, trying new methods as well.

What is it my niece used to say? Oh yeah, AS IF!

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Here's what I heard: you gave him the manual because he said he was going to buy YIO for all his agents.

It is claimed that he reneged on his YIO purchase commitment, and said that he never read your material...

Doesn't sound very plausible to me, but no personal opinion, just sayin' what I heard.

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And what was it Eleanor Roosevelt said?

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."

This forum is certainly (and sadly) proof of that!
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Frank would never suggest that you actually send him a check so I will. You are paid for your training, and so should Frank.

In addition, you charged me a bunch of money for training for my son (and myself). Well worth the money.

However, you and I spent a bunch of time on the phone while you had many questions about Medicare. I know I was help in training you. So how about cutting me a check at the same time?

After all, I would never suggest you work for free and I'm sure you agree that training you in Medicare should be worth something as well. Or, you could just deny that I was much help.

I will send you a check, sorry if you felt slighted, you were of equal (if not more) help to me for sure, in fact you and Frank should split the check (but I'll send it to you), at least you don't think you made me the selling machine that I am.



Frank would never suggest that you actually send him a check so I will. You are paid for your training, and so should Frank.

In addition, you charged me a bunch of money for training for my son (and myself). Well worth the money.

However, you and I spent a bunch of time on the phone while you had many questions about Medicare. I know I was help in training you. So how about cutting me a check at the same time?

After all, I would never suggest you work for free and I'm sure you agree that training you in Medicare should be worth something as well. Or, you could just deny that I was much help.

I will send you a check, sorry if you felt slighted, you were of equal (if not more) help to me for sure, in fact you and Frank should split the check (but I'll send it to you), at least you don't think you made me the selling machine that I am.


I look forward to the receipt of your check.

As I recall, you charged me $1,800 for my son's training (and it was worth every nickle). I would think that my time might be worth about $400. After all, learning about Med Supps has pretty much put you in the agency business.

So half to Frank would be $200 (which he won't ask for), and $200 for you, do you take installments?


I look forward to the receipt of your check.

As I recall, you charged me $1,800 for my son's training (and it was worth every nickle). I would think that my time might be worth about $400. After all, learning about Med Supps has pretty much put you in the agency business.

So half to Frank would be $200 (which he won't ask for), and $200 for you, do you take installments?

It's okay, send me the $400 and I'll send Frank his share. And I paid you $1,800 in one shot; I would anticipate you can do the same.

Or are you trying to let me know you were not sincere in your offer of a check?

Rick let's calculate the hours I put in for the $1800, shall we?

We met in Vegas on November 13 2008 (IHIAA event) and then agreed to the training for Andy (with you sitting in gratis due to your bargaining skills) with sessions on November 23, 24, 25 and 30, and October 1, 2, 3 and the 18th. And possibly one or two other casual and quick calls thereafter. Not to mention the calls you and I had after the training, tweaking scripts, sharing information, etc.

Is one hundred dollars fair?


It's okay, send me the $400 and I'll send Frank his share. And I paid you $1,800 in one shot; I would anticipate you can do the same.

Or are you trying to let me know you were not sincere in your offer of a check?

Rob, you can put any kind of spin on it you want but it still is what it is. You made a commitment, I thought you were sincere and when it came time for you to honor that commitment you "changed your mind". This is not about money, it's about credibility.

Everything YIO does is explained in detail on my website. I have a toll-free number if agents have any questions. There is no intelligent, logical reason for you to not have known exactly what it does prior to making that commitment. It does make one wonder.

You have misrepresented much of what you said. I told you I have not purchased any kind of lead in at least 6 to 8 years, not that it has been that long since I purchased a list. That is just one example. There are many others.

I understand that your ego has been bruised and you feel the need to strike out. (You got caught speeding.) I know doing that makes you feel better so go for it. I find it quite entertaining and revealing.

What I didn't appreciate was your nasty PM and the disparaging remarks you made about others who have posted to this thread.

You recently posted this in another thread: "If someone is not way more credible, insightful and successful than you are, who cares what they say? If they put others down, they are probably not happy with their own lives."

I think that pretty well sums up your comments.