How does Aetna reducing its agent commission rate to 0% for 9 months out of the year provide "value, and viable options" to our clients? That's illogical and crazy. Also, any material change to our existing client's coverage after March 1st of this year will trigger a SEP and instantly lower the commission to 0%!
I asked this question to my contact at UHC. They SAID that the 0% commissions after 1-1-2016 refers to new business only. They said that current enrolled could make changes to their applications during the year and we would still receive our commission as usual. They said as long as they were enrolled for January 1st we the agent will not be affected. Any new clients after that date would be 0%. It remains to be seen what they will really do. Hopefully Aetna will do the same.
The bleeding isn't going to stop by not paying agents because the government does not respect the deadlines so no one really feels a need to follow the rules. We will just have more unhappy people with little understanding of their plans and no where to turn to.
I'm looking forward to the break so I can expand in other areas.