Aetna just reported a disastrous Medicare qtr. Interested to see there 2025 plans

It's my understanding that Devoted is more customer focused then benefits focused. I've never worked with them before but I've heard good things. Anyone else?
They moved into TN a couple of years ago. I really like them as a company and the plans were superb, honestly. Customer service is TOP NOTCH.
I saw the 2025 preview (their aep in person training is next week) online and they have cut benefits dramatically. Like, a lot. I'm super curious how this is going to play out because TN clients have been hesitant to jump on board, we've had several 1 or 2 year companies come and leave, so people don't want to jump on a new company at all. I know the clients I have on Devoted are NOT going to be happy with the new plans. I don't think Service alone is going to keep people on the plans. Unless ALL the companies cut benefits as severely. I'll find that out in the next few weeks.
TN clients have been hesitant to jump on board, we've had several 1 or 2 year companies come and leave
Same for me in general. I almost never lean into a new market entrant in year 1 or year 2. I won’t ignore them but it takes a lot for me to feel comfortable going big with a new entrant. If you’ve been in this business long, you’ve seen it go sideways with others. Especially the ones who come in big, grab market share, and collapse two years later. Super fast is NEVER good in the MA world. Look at Aetna.