AHCP--Holy Crap!

Yeah. AHCP has it all set up and is about to hang everyone that relies on advances. All the agents appointed with them are going to have a rude awakening and don't get caught with the lies this company is feeding everyone. If you notice, everything is done at the last minute with the changes so they use the economy, scared agents, and all the negativity to their advantage. Like the saying goes, only the powerful will still be around, and if you don't start thinking outside of the box, you will go down with the structure that is in place, if your going to go down make sure the electric is still on, to reboot.. I mean at least if AHCP is going to run this type of business, at least be up front with their agents about it instead of using "Language games" "semantics" "discourse" or any other common sense post modern lingo or free market terms that any Business School Graduate can see. Only the educated will survive, the rest will get burned by their up lines and their up lines reputations will be on the front pages of Google searches with all the people that they were screwed but will blame it on the insurance company for the "Changes" because of Health Reform. Anybody, that has half a brain knows, that Health Reform is a complete joke, and its "HEALTH REFORM" meaning reforming a universal single based health care system in which all group coverage will not exist, and its individual coverage for everyone paid by us, kind of like how we all pay our own car insurance with certain pre -existing not being covered at all. There are very few in this industry that actually do the right thing to help everyone out, and The very companies that are being pushed by these MGA , are nothing but Garbage, and will rob you and your clients and ruin your image.. At the end of the day, the truth comes out and your image will either shine, or fall with the people that are keeping the lie going. I have been in the industry for many years and the "smartest guys in the room" aren't being too smart right now, Everyone needs to make a profit, but hanging your own agents is pretty much flat out wrong. Lower the commissions when you contract your agents, instead of hanging them, changing commission structures, a year later, sell quality products, instead of garbage. PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES and the very few at the top will be taken over by the Smart ones who see through all and the young guys that I educate to run success businesses within the insurance industry. ENJOY! Everything in this industry is NEGATIVE! This is how I run a business, and why I make my guys sign no Compete contracts and teach them the ropes with direct contracts under me with the most competitive contracts, but I am front with the young men growing up into the industry.

"ENRON" style businesses only last for so long.
So, by now I'm sure we all have received the email outlining the UHC/Aetna 6 month advanced deal with AHCP.

Here's the bullet points:

UHC and Aetna commissions will be dropped by 1%.

5% admin fee on all monies advanced.

Agent's will advanced on the first 6 months, months 7-12 will be kept by AHCP in exchange for taking the liability of the advance.

Wow, what a great deal! Sign me the eff up right now!

sounds good!
This Agency and many other are really taking advantage of Insurance Agents, You are better to get your contract with and GA, without, Assignment of Commissions, other wise, this Agencies will Rip you OFF Big time. and Block you to get release.
They want your commissions with the pretext, of giving you leads, support, training. This is a screen to take your commissions.
You work very hard, and they play golf with your hard worked commissions.
AHCP is the most EVIL FMO of all.
There should be a regulation against this type of ABUSE.