Allianz Preferred Program


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Whats the deal with this? Higher comp, more products, and "exclusive" are what I hear....

Apparently you cannot get access to their new products that have yet to be rolled out unless you enroll.....

Does anyone have any additional info on this?
And there seems to be no shortage of butt kisses as I'm getting FMO e-mails from everyone to join this "exclusive club"????
The "qualifications" are pretty soft. 1) FINRA license 2) 60k in commissions I think 3) current or previous club qualifier with Allianz.

Product is taking the other route with their income feature. No guaranteed roll-up, but a higher payout percentage when you elect income. Also, no bonus at all.
I am not impressed with the new product considering the amount of hype we received about it recently.
Yes, lots of hype. My FMO was not willing to drop other exclusive relationships (an Allianz requirement) just to get on board.

All that will happen here is that other carriers will come out with similar products -so the hype will mean nothing at some point.
From what I've read don't you have to have Series 6 & 63 as well and be willing to work for only base commission without bonuses/rewards/marketing reimbursements? Maybe I read a different memo on the preferred program but that's what I seem to remember..
That is one of the requirements. It's an either or type qualification. Also, the bonuses will come from Allianz directly not your IMO.