Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advise.

Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

Including hand holding, sounds like a good deal. Training is not free. You pay for it or the trainer pays for it.

It sounds as if your'e saying the commissions they are willing to pay me are "good deal" given the hand holding/support they promise.
The question now becomes "will the actual support materialize"?

That being said, it should not take long anyway. After all, it is FE...not real complex like being the President wherein you have to really be smarter and more capable than most people. Just some nuances with UW issues mainly. My thought is that it is much easier for an established agent to lose a deal and keep momentum going than it is for an agent attempting to get established to lose a deal. The impact is much different emotionally and financially.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

It sounds as if your'e saying the commissions they are willing to pay me are "good deal" given the hand holding/support they promise.
The question now becomes "will the actual support materialize"?

That being said, it should not take long anyway. After all, it is FE...not real complex like being the President wherein you have to really be smarter and more capable than most people. Just some nuances with UW issues mainly. My thought is that it is much easier for an established agent to lose a deal and keep momentum going than it is for an agent attempting to get established to lose a deal. The impact is much different emotionally and financially.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.

Yeah, I think it is better for you than him/her. There is nothing stopping you from taking the training and foot bailing to the first guy that offers you 110% I think you made a good deal.

President is a good analogy. Like a President, you can have a very smart well spoken person that can get licensed/elected and not accomplish jack.

I am no expert on FE. I do write several a month and have done so for a few years. Learning the app and underwriting is the easy part.

Hungry is good. No doubt. However, I lose a deal I have 5 file cabinets full of people I can call by first name. The new guys has to call the next stranger on the list. The newer guys tend to be hungry enough to make "mistakes" when placing coverage. I exploit those mistakes if I can. I can tell in the first 5 minutes of talking to a prospect if I can replace the old agent.

I will be honest though, I do miss that jazzed feeling of closing a deal. I envy the new guys that feeling.

Good luck. Remember aggressively getting ready does not pay well. You got to get ink on paper.

Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

As a marketer of the Monumental products the commission he gave you at 105% is the "street" rate so it is fair. Make sure they train you on the Legacy Safeguard product. That is the "key" to Monumental sales in my opinion. We work with our agents on a sales sequence that incorporates the Legacy Safeguard program with the Monumental Life Final Expense and it if done correctly, should help you close more sales and get referrals.
Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

As a marketer of the Monumental products the commission he gave you at 105% is the "street" rate so it is fair. Make sure they train you on the Legacy Safeguard product. That is the "key" to Monumental sales in my opinion. We work with our agents on a sales sequence that incorporates the Legacy Safeguard program with the Monumental Life Final Expense and it if done correctly, should help you close more sales and get referrals.

What a load of crap!!
Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

I was not trying to say my way is the best. I was trying to inform this new agent that I believe that "bell and whistle" on that specific product is what makes it stand out over other final expense plans. If you don't use the Legacy Safeguard then Monumental is no different than many other companies out there. I speak with a lot of agents that are with Monumental that are not even aware of that benefit. That is all I was trying to point out.
Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

I was not trying to say my way is the best. I was trying to inform this new agent that I believe that "bell and whistle" on that specific product is what makes it stand out over other final expense plans. If you don't use the Legacy Safeguard then Monumental is no different than many other companies out there. I speak with a lot of agents that are with Monumental that are not even aware of that benefit. That is all I was trying to point out.

I've done the training and got all the materials for the Legacy Safeguard and I think it would hurt my sales to lead in with it. I like it and offer it but 3/4 of the people see very little value in it. Like most FE marketing it puts too much focus on funerals and if that's not their motivator you will lose their interest by going down the wrong path.

That's not to say that some people see a lot of added value with it. So it's a good tool with the right person and can definitely assist with getting referrals.

I just want the focus on my appointments to be "I can help you get additional death benefit at an affordable cost." if that's what you're looking for...I'm your guy.

There are a lot of people that DO respond to just that straight forward message. And they also refer their friends.
Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

Answering the phone, responding to the needs of the agents, personal sales experience to pass along to new agents are all important of your marketing company. They are not all created equal, and there's more to being a marketing company than just getting a contract.

Each agent is in a different place in his/her career, and having customized training and one-on-one phone calls with the agents are things we do from our office every day.

You can teach even the oldest of dogs new tricks, and learn a thing or two from them as well!

Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

You can teach even the oldest of dogs new tricks, and learn a thing or two from them as well!


Woof Woof Julie,

No old canines here. I feel so complimented. I took my resume off of a long time ago. Last time it was made public I had 27 offers in 48 hours to market insurance products. Ridiculous. Most of them were from people just like you. Made me want to puke in my briefcase but I hate it when the vommit goes up my nose. Smells like vinagar. Then there are those little chuncky things. You recruiters are a dime a dozen. Good agents like myself are whats hard to find. Your lack of respect disgusts me, whether you consciously meant it or not. No excuses and please don't apologize. I don't want to hear from you and I don't want any more of your poop in my mail box.

By the way, I have a dog named Sam. He is 12 years old, fat, tired, arthritic, has fleas and is getting cranky. However, he wags his tail every time he sees me and I treat him with a great deal of respect. He has big brown eyes. Sometimes he will look deep into my eyes when I am talking to him as if to say he respects and loves me. I love old Sam and he knows it.

He is a smart dog but I really did not like his attitude when he was younger and almost totally self serving. His selfishness always floated to the surface. He would only do things with the expectation of getting something for it. Many people are like the way Sam was as a younger dog. Narcissistic and unaware of their condition. It's amazing that old fat Sam has outgrown much of this. Many people will never change and often get worse over time. They never figure out why they have so many interpersonal relationship problems.

A roofing contractor came to my home one day recently. He proceeded to walk through the back gate (disrespect) even though my advice to him was to build some rapport with Sam (show him some respect) before doing so. Sam just stood up, quietly sauntered over to the egotistical bastard and bit him. The contractor deserved it and I never scolded Sam. In fact, under my breath I told Sam he was a good boy and patted the top of his head. In this instance, Sam was respecting himself and I was not going to correct him for doing so.

I'm gonna stop here because I need to take a nap. When I get up, I have to go close a single premium deal at 2pm and it's an hours drive to Carolyn's house. And just in case you still don't understand my point...kiss my ass and don't pm me anymore.
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