Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advise.

Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

can someone explain to me what watchman is talking about??
what's wrong with this julie woman??
Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

You can teach even the oldest of dogs new tricks, and learn a thing or two from them as well!


Woof Woof Julie,

No old canines here. I feel so complimented. I took my resume off of a long time ago. Last time it was made public I had 27 offers in 48 hours to market insurance products. Ridiculous. Most of them were from people just like you. Made me want to puke in my briefcase but I hate it when the vommit goes up my nose. Smells like vinagar. Then there are those little chuncky things. You recruiters are a dime a dozen. Good agents like myself are whats hard to find. Your lack of respect disgusts me, whether you consciously meant it or not. No excuses and please don't apologize. I don't want to hear from you and I don't want any more of your poop in my mail box.

By the way, I have a dog named Sam. He is 12 years old, fat, tired, arthritic, has fleas and is getting cranky. However, he wags his tail every time he sees me and I treat him with a great deal of respect. He has big brown eyes. Sometimes he will look deep into my eyes when I am talking to him as if to say he respects and loves me. I love old Sam and he knows it.

He is a smart dog but I really did not like his attitude when he was younger and almost totally self serving. His selfishness always floated to the surface. He would only do things with the expectation of getting something for it. Many people are like the way Sam was as a younger dog. Narcissistic and unaware of their condition. It's amazing that old fat Sam has outgrown much of this. Many people will never change and often get worse over time. They never figure out why they have so many interpersonal relationship problems.

A roofing contractor came to my home one day recently. He proceeded to walk through the back gate (disrespect) even though my advice to him was to build some rapport with Sam (show him some respect) before doing so. Sam just stood up, quietly sauntered over to the egotistical bastard and bit him. The contractor deserved it and I never scolded Sam. In fact, under my breath I told Sam he was a good boy and patted the top of his head. In this instance, Sam was respecting himself and I was not going to correct him for doing so.

I'm gonna stop here because I need to take a nap. When I get up, I have to go close a single premium deal at 2pm and it's an hours drive to Carolyn's house. And just in case you still don't understand my point...kiss my ass and don't pm me anymore.

OK, I'm curious now, what did Julie do to you?
Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

OK, I'm curious now, what did Julie do to you?

Nothing really. I just don't like condescending people...particularly recruiters. It' just poor manners to make an "old dog" analogy to anyone whether they are 5 or 95. Poor taste. She is probably a very nice person, and a great resource to her downline I'm sure.

Whole wars have been fought over beans. Whole wars have also been fought over one or two mis-spoken or mis-interpreted words (i.e. old dog).

I may have been overly sensitive when I posted. I have kinda been overdoing it on my Ginko Biloba and Ginseng formula lately. Think I'll switch to Focus Factor or something . I am getting a bit edgy.
Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

Nothing really. I just don't like condescending people...particularly recruiters. It' just poor manners to make an "old dog" analogy to anyone whether they are 5 or 95. Poor taste. She is probably a very nice person, and a great resource to her downline I'm sure.

Whole wars have been fought over beans. Whole wars have also been fought over one or two mis-spoken or mis-interpreted words (i.e. old dog).

I may have been overly sensitive when I posted. I have kinda been overdoing it on my Ginko Biloba and Ginseng formula lately. Think I'll switch to Focus Factor or something . I am getting a bit edgy.

A little edgy, I agree! I feel everyone in the forums will have something to offer, whether from a very experience perspective or from a new agent who is trying to learn. It always feels like some comments that DON'T mean any disrespect are often taken out of context and then the whole point of the thread is lost. Stating a simple phrase that's been around for years shouldn't cause anyone to react this way.

Can't control anyone's reaction, but as I"ve said before... keep it professional. Being offensive is certainly not called for!
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Nothing really. I just don't like condescending people...particularly recruiters. It' just poor manners to make an "old dog" analogy to anyone whether they are 5 or 95. Poor taste. She is probably a very nice person, and a great resource to her downline I'm sure.

Whole wars have been fought over beans. Whole wars have also been fought over one or two mis-spoken or mis-interpreted words (i.e. old dog).

I may have been overly sensitive when I posted. I have kinda been overdoing it on my Ginko Biloba and Ginseng formula lately. Think I'll switch to Focus Factor or something . I am getting a bit edgy.

Just for the record, for those who are curious, and I'm only responding because there was such an over-exaggerated reaction to a simple phrase and email with an offer of trying to be helpful where it appeared to be indicated... NOT a recruiter working for someone, and certainly no offense intended! My husband and I own our marketing company and have close to 2,000 agents under contract in every state. AGAIN, I"m not stating this trying to recruit anyone, only explain!

We only try to help our agents in the manner that THEY indicate they need, because everyone is in a different point in their career. We never claim to have all the answers OR the magic bullet that will guarantee sales. What we do is offer to our agents is one-on-one assistance, AND we're very honest and up-front with them.

I was also an RN, so bring some extra medical knowledge and underwriting assistance when quoting cases, because of the years spent in the health field. It helps save an agent alot of time and frustration to quote a case at a preferred rate class on a case that will be rated or declined right off the bat. Some of the carriers don't allow direct access to an underwriter, so rather than waiting for an email back, it gives a little faster idea of where the case may go.

Some agents don't need much at all, others are new and don't know where to begin. It's all individualized.

We also do alot of personal sales in life/annuities/health, so we also contend with the same company, client, and prospecting issues as everyone else does.

Again, try to keep the forums professional and on-track.
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Re: Am I Getting Screwed on This Monumental Contract? Please Advi

Some old dogs just get cranky when you point out they're old dogs.