Am I Making Enough???

Ok Champ. Here's the scoop. You started there looking to be a part of something. You knew you wanted that, but didn't think you had the means to do it by yourself. So you go on being secretary, computer tech, water boy, goffer, etc.

You're happy with that because you just know in the end it will all be worth it, because you will be a part of something bigger than you. You get jerked around and have to make adjustments for your salary/commissions...but that's ok, you understand, because once day, you'll be an integral part of something and reap the rewards of your efforts. After all, how can he not see the things you are doing for him. As a matter of fact, he probably feeds you a few kudos now and then and lets you know how lost he would be without your help. Anything sound familiar?

But as you go along, there's always something nagging in your gut, wondering why things aren't changing like you think they should....just a little maybe. Then whamo....he hires other agents, making more than you to start off and reality hits.

The problem with reality hitting though, you don't want to see what the reality really is. You don't want to see that you are being used and that you'll never be that integral part that you have dreamed of, even promised in so many words. How could that be reality? After all, you've invested so much time and been paid so little money comparitively. If you recognized the reality, you would have to also recognize that it all been for naught!

But it hasn't been for naught. Look at what you've learned. Look at what you could do on your own now. Sure, you would still like to be a part of the company, part owner even, but you're not going to be, that's the sad truth.

Look to your gut brother, I've been there and done that. When is it time to pick up, accept your losses and your gains and move on.

I was there...then one day, out of the blue, I got thrown to the wolves...all over nothing that I had done or had any control over.

As low and beaten as I felt, what I didn't see at the time was the future in front of me, all I seen was all the things I had done, trying to be a part of something I now realize was never going to be.

Once I got mad, then I stepped outside of the box, I looked around and found a direction to head. I haven't looked back and so glad I got thrown to the wolves! I became the wolf, the hunter and not the hunted. Where there is a will, there is a way and all things are perfect for their time and space. Accept your future, and move on.

Was this too long guys? ;)
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NICE!!! That was smooth. Thanks TRK.

I agree with you 100%..But I have to make a couple things clear before I smoke my peyoe and hit the desert. He is a good man..but also submissive..when he is challenged he will concede..I have not yet challenged him on this and very well will not need to walk.. I just need solid thoughts on the future..renewals to word the structure for the long term.. If I go for it and I get slammed down.. you will be the first to know.

And although i left the impression of the going as far as the water boy..never went that far but I do appreciate the sentiment.

Man I must have hit a place where everyone works alone??? And if you dont but and own an agency and have agents working with you..they must get treated like sheep..and if this is the case I need to change my way of planning. Insurancexec..has an established business already and his assistant made there is not much more those guys and gals can ask for over there..unless they make the company millions.
I myself have been stepped on and abused for long enough. I recognize though that I was not a victim but a volunteer. I choose to work alone, yet I have many for support. I choose not to screw over the agents that I given opportunity to. I give an opportunity, it is up to them what they do with it. I only want to share the opportunity that I have been given and never have an agent feel the way I have felt in the past.
Opportunity knocks constantly, but most don't answer the door. It took me a while to answer the door, but finally, and thankfully, I was forced to open it. It changed my life. Now I know I'm in control of my journey and destinations.
if a captive agent has 50/50 contract with bonuses up to 3k a month no 401k, no benefits just a nice office and support
is this a bad deal?
I myself have been stepped on and abused for long enough. I recognize though that I was not a victim but a volunteer. I choose to work alone, yet I have many for support. I choose not to screw over the agents that I given opportunity to. I give an opportunity, it is up to them what they do with it. I only want to share the opportunity that I have been given and never have an agent feel the way I have felt in the past.
Opportunity knocks constantly, but most don't answer the door. It took me a while to answer the door, but finally, and thankfully, I was forced to open it. It changed my life. Now I know I'm in control of my journey and destinations.

Well said. I think there is a song that speaks to that. Something like "I have been lied to, cheated and misunderstood".

You said it much better than I could have. It's probably because "I don't play well with others". :nah:
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if a captive agent has 50/50 contract with bonuses up to 3k a month no 401k, no benefits just a nice office and support
is this a bad deal?

Only you can decide that. For me that would not be a good deal. I would prefer to get 100% of the commission and make my own decision as to what to do with my money.

Life is about defining what each person considers "quality of life". If you feel that you have quality in your life then that is the correct decision for you.

Money does not bring "quality of life".
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Hey Frank whats your story? If you like go ahead and get "Biblical" ..just curious you seem have it all put together and work on your own so it is fairly obvious question to ask..

When did you start selling insurance, what lines? Did you start out in the beginning on your own?

Again you have a knack for being quite biased.."Life is about defining what each person considers "quality of life". If you feel that you have quality in your life then that is the correct decision for you."

"Money does not bring "quality of life".

Although I do agree money does not bring qualify of life..but it sure is a good down payment :cool:

The spur was not asking you whether that was enough money...simply trying to get an idea on whether or not the opportunity would be comparable to possible other options. Although he could have been more specific as I was and explain a little more about the current agency size, how his bonuses are determined etc. But we know how you would answer that "I do not work well with others" :SLEEP:

Not sure how self motivated you are Thespur..most of us that are willing to go in commission only are pretty confident..I am sorry you also really did not get a response that might give you some did you say it Frank?? "We are here to help, not to hold hands, wipe away tears or sit around a campfire singing Kumbaya." - I am still searching for the "Help" part..:GEEK:

The spur..the one thing I do like about what you said was the up to 3K in bonuses..depending on the lines you are selling and the criteria you need to hit that.. after a year of solid production and following it up the next year with some renewals and more bonuses could work out ok..but of course depends on your real possibility you can land clients with the company/companies you will be selling..what line? Have you checked any rates based on the lines you would be selling?

Thespur..what happened to me see I went a little to far into my life story to see if that would help on responses..found out that just gave frank here an EGO boost...then you come and ask a pretty straight and arrow question that could at least start you off with some answers..nah..sorry not on this forum..not yet anyway...Of course I am not going to give up on the forum ..I am not much of a quitter..which is actually what was suggested I do and "strike out on my own" which I say that is the dumbest thing for me to do if I first did not take a solid shot at securing a "contract" at being part of an agency that with some solid work will be in the millions in revenue in about 5-10 years..

By the way i was serious about my questions..really curious about any history a master as yourself could share with the group Frank??
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Championpatriot....quit writing these long posts and get out and sell. Seriously, I do the same thing, and wish someone would tell me that :)

Good luck and get to work talking to your boss and then sell some stuff.
you have to understand this forum is a good resource but it is totally biased because mostly every member here is independent.
they oppose or dislike the fact if someone is captive.
while i understand independent is more commission and freedom
not all of us can start out this way. most agents who start out indy end up out of the insurance business in weeks.
that's why most agents do it systematically, captive then indy.
which is what i'm doing.
first i want to get trained properly and build a nice book.
then i can go indy no problem.

since you asked out about my situation i will tell you a bit about it.

i work at an agency with about 6 agents and 1 manager.
they give us free leads a couple times a day. (solid)
training is outstanding. we sell life, disability, annuities long term care. no health.
we get 50% commission plus a 70% bonus and whatever the regular commission is . 3k month maximum = 36k/year bonus
we have a high rating and are one of the top 5 companies.
the products here are very simple and easy to sell and we get people that call the agency to buy daily.

i honestly love it here, but realize i can get 10% or 20% more if i go indy possibly so it not even sure...
so i think ill stick around a bit longer

one more thing is direct mail.. they pay for some stamps and have a permit so thats also a plus i like.

no non compete clause either and i can leave whenever i please.

i've looked at what independent agents are getting percentage wise for my products, and its not that much of a difference , actually i get more commission than indy in some cases.
Yes sir!!Or mam.. Briko..whichever it may be :)

I have been working on my outline of my proposal so I have just been checking in..I am certainly on the right frame of mind as of now, I do appreciate your encouragement..I did submit 3 policies within the last 24 hours :1cool:

Not sure if it is same for you...but I do type fairly quickly and I sort of do not "sell" my clients.. I talk to them..and talk to them..and they they finally ask me what we need to do to have the policy..and I just say..."Oh yeah..thats did you want to set up your payments" ;)
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