And Now, The Selling Of Obamacare...

Let's just say he is and daddy don't want to pay more than he has to. $285 silver - $205 gubmint cheese =$80 daddy pays :-)

If Daddy's current plan is a group plan that is both adequate and affordable according to PPACA rules, and if Jr is ELIGIBLE to remain on it, then there is no subsidy for Jr.
If Daddy's current plan is a group plan that is both adequate and affordable according to PPACA rules, and if Jr is ELIGIBLE to remain on it, then there is no subsidy for Jr.

Wow....All I can say is wow. How in the world are they going to keep up with all this?

Thank you Ann. With each post you make my market focus gets narrower and
I wonder how they're going to provide information and spin it in a positive light so people don't realize they've been lied to.

Saying "we reduced premiums" but neglecting to say "in comparison to projected costs in some states, and nowhere near the promised $2500 reduction."

Saying "we have new, comprehensive plans from the carriers you know" because "you can keep your plan" is a straight up lie.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Should be fun to watch, it's like those pyramid scheme seminars where they show a slide of the company, and it's obviously a pyramid, whole thing reeks of pyramid scheme, but it's "not a pyramid scheme because we sell a product".

Maybe AmWay should help with the advertising?
Now that liberal politicians and experts have erroneously convinced themselves that there is no "premium shock", they're becoming increasingly concerned about potential Out-of-Pocket costs with Obamacare plans.

"According to the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO), the organization charged with implementing many aspects of the ACA, if the insurer uses a 3rd party prescription drug vendor such as Express Scripts to manage prescription drugs, the beneficiary may face two separate out of pocket expenses, one for medical costs and the other for prescription drugs.

Under such a scenario, after an individual or family pays their premiums and deductibles, they still could be left with a bill of $13,000 or $25,400, respectively."

Story: Out-of-Pocket Costs Could Sink the ACA

Since Nancy Pelosi has declared 4th-of-July week an official period of rejoicing over ObamaCare and America's Independence from bad health insurance, the writer of the above story is displaying a lot of guts. I hope nothing "unfortunate" befalls him.
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Time to add another category to the list of official, Non-Licensed, ObamaCare salespeople...LIBRARIANS

Story: Obama Now Recruiting Librarians To Help Sign People Up For Obamacare… | Weasel Zippers

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Check out one of the comments on the librarian article. Classic!

Oh, the irony. Librarians pushing something that wasn't read.
Since librarians are usually well-read, they probably know that they can be paid as in-person assisters. Hopefully, most of them will have the gumption to demand the pay/position of an official ObamaCare Assister and not just let themselves be "used" by HHS.
Alan, from your link re OOP could sink ACA . . .

For Americans not covered by Medicare or Medicaid, they will have two options: grandfathered and exchange health plans.

But there is a third option. Non-exchange plans. Keeps getting overlooked.

if the insurer uses a 3rd party prescription drug vendor such as Express Scripts to manage prescription drugs, the beneficiary may face two separate out of pocket expenses, one for medical costs and the other for prescription drugs.

And most insurers DO use a PBM.

And with copay plans (current design) there is no OOP limit on Rx.
HHS-Sebelius is pulling out all stops.. last week she recruited the NBA to help sell Obamacare. Today she's begging, err... WORKING WITH with the National Football League to do the same.

Story: Sebelius in talks with NFL on promoting ObamaCare insurance plans - The Hill's Healthwatch

Update 6-28-2013

Looks like the NFL had declined to accept Sebelius's offer:
NFL bucks call to promote ObamaCare, as Republicans pressure sports leagues to say no | Fox News