Another attempt on Trump

Not a fan of JD I assume? I was quoting his words.

ohh haven't been really paying to close attention any more

its all garbage

Todays politics is like watching 1980's WWF Tv Commercial and promos

And there is not coming back, there is no one who will be willing to do what is necessary to fix things

there is only one way this ends only is it going to be sooner or is it going to be later
I support peoples right to self defense but looking at this guys criminal background, I also support banning crazy and criminals for getting access to guns. And his background is that he voted for Trump first and then got pissed at him and donated to Democrats. A perfect fruit cake. Right now I am saying good job for the secret police in catching him. I also would like to know how close he was to shooting Trump. Lets hope Iranians dont get any ideas from these close calls. They had already targeted Bush before, i would not be surprised if they try something.