Another ***


1000 Post Club
Another ***.

Had to share this experience.
One out of every two is stupid. That's the problem.
Male 60, wife 53 with a 9 year old son.
Paying 400 per month towards a $600 ded. with co – pay employer provided group plan.
If he were to take out a 2500 ded. plan on his own he is looking at 550 - $720 per month.

Obviously this is not a bright individual, but this as some of you know is not uncommon.
They push GI through people like this will be wishing for the days of old I'll tell you that much.
For the life of me I cannot see it. Would it not be political suicide for BO? No way in hell he would see a second term after jacking rates on the 80% who have coverage now? ALoser3 will no doubt chime in on how our commissions not being part of the equation will offset the pricing but no way …
The proposed "mandate fines" … how much is it now … $830 a year or something … where's the money going to come from?
Theater of the absurd.
HealthGuy -- I'm not on Al3's "bandwagon" or anyone else's. I've read a lot of posts by ins.dave, and they come off as totally materialistic, greedy, selfish, hateful, racist, homophobic and xenophobic. He needs to be reminded periodically that he is so far out in right field that he's over the edge in our pluralistic society. His type social and political philosophy is counter-productive and extremely divisive. As a country and a citizen, I believe we need to help each other, and not act like this is still the wild west where it's every man for himself. I also believe Jesus was a liberal, not a conservative. I happen to agree with Al3 on a number of things, but not necessarily those insurance-related.

HealthGuy -- I'm not on Al3's "bandwagon" or anyone else's. I've read a lot of posts by ins.dave, and they come off as totally materialistic, greedy, selfish, hateful, racist, homophobic and xenophobic. He needs to be reminded periodically that he is so far out in right field that he's over the edge in our pluralistic society. His type social and political philosophy is counter-productive and extremely divisive. As a country and a citizen, I believe we need to help each other, and not act like this is still the wild west where it's every man for himself. I also believe Jesus was a liberal, not a conservative. I happen to agree with Al3 on a number of things, but not necessarily those insurance-related.


For the last time Aloser3 or Atlanta … or whatever you're calling yourself this week.

This is about responsibility and intelligence. I'm not going to pretend that everyone in this country or world for that matter is meant to "share equally" in all things material including healthcare so I can look like a virtuous hero?
I'll stay with the truth as unhollywood as it may be sometimes.
Not a thing in life in any country or in nature for that matter works that way.
Yes, we do need to look after those handicapped, etc., but after that you earn yours.
If it ever stops being that way we are in BIG trouble.

Albert Einstein –
A human being is a part of the whole called the "universe," a part limited in space and time. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of...consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in all its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.

More nice thoughts. Like communism to some degree.
Problem is many things look great on paper or in theory, but in terms of practical application … not so much.
It's a fact that people in general look out for themselves and their own first, foremost and by in large only. Always will be that way my big headed buddy. Is it not a full time job in and of itself doing so? So, make the best of it, create something above and beyond a lot of wasted hot air and in turn perhaps you will provide employment for others like Michael Moore has done with this production company again recently with his new documentary that states that capitalism is "evil." I wonder how his efforts would be received in Cuba?

You want to talk greed? Anyone who signed a mortgage loan agreement without talking the time to consider what might happen in the 2 - 3 years into said loan when it's rate became variable was … wait for it, a stupid, greedy, lying, irresponsible individual and they deserved to lose that house. Don't even bother trying to state otherwise. My wife managed 40 people in the mortgage industry before it imploded due to the credit default swaps and derivatives and yes the thousands of stupid, narcissistic people who lied about their income because they had to have as big of a house as their sister Suzie's.

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Rick -- I like to toss out an occasional Jesus line to keep you on your game, even though it's a true statement if one is a believer.

ins.dave -- I'm not Al3. Do want to congratulate you on a very articulate post. Thanks for the Einstein quote! A bit utopian -- but people and societies need stretch goals.

Here's one of my favorite Einstein quotes:

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
