Another ***

Rick -- I like to toss out an occasional Jesus line to keep you on your game, even though it's a true statement if one is a believer.

ins.dave -- I'm not Al3. Do want to congratulate you on a very articulate post. Thanks for the Einstein quote! A bit utopian -- but people and societies need stretch goals.

Here's one of my favorite Einstein quotes:

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."


I propose that we make this forum a "Jesus free zone?"
This is about insurance and finance?
You leave out Jesus and I'll leave out: Islam,Secular,Nonreligious,Agnostic,Atheist,Hinduism,Chinese traditional religion, Buddhism,primal-indigenous, African Traditional & Diasporic,Sikhism,Juche,Spiritism,Judaism ,Baha'I,Jainism,Shinto,Cao Dai,Zoroastrianism,Tenrikyo,Neo-Paganism Unitarian-Universalism,Rastafarianism,Scientology, deal?
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The GI is going to have a big increase on premiums.
With a true mandate this thing could get out of hand quickly.

If I am 18-35 and my penalty for not having health insurance is $700 but a plan is going to cost me $1,200 why would I take the plan?
I will just wait until I get sick and take out a GI policy.

There was stats that came out on the Baucs bill saying family premiums could go up as much at $4,000 a year.
That is a huge increase.

The other problem that I have which would be good for our business is the tax credits. If a house hold income under $65,000+ is eligible for tax credits will they then tax people making over that ? I think they will have to in one way or the other. This looks like a re distribution of wealth.

With those tax credits I think I will write a ton more policies both on the group and individual side.

What about the taxation of the Medical device companies and Insurance companies? You dam well if you go to a Wellpoint and say you are going to pay a $65 million tax each year they have to raise premium to offset that.

The Gov is talking about some very dangerous thing right now.

People like AL= Atlanta want our country to be socialized.
They want everyone to be dependent on the GOV.
People like AL= Atlanta want our country to be socialized.
They want everyone to be dependent on the GOV.

Beats charting your own course ... oooh, scary.
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The GI is going to have a big increase on premiums.
With a true mandate this thing could get out of hand quickly.

If I am 18-35 and my penalty for not having health insurance is $700 but a plan is going to cost me $1,200 why would I take the plan?
I will just wait until I get sick and take out a GI policy.

There was stats that came out on the Baucs bill saying family premiums could go up as much at $4,000 a year.
That is a huge increase.

The other problem that I have which would be good for our business is the tax credits. If a house hold income under $65,000+ is eligible for tax credits will they then tax people making over that ? I think they will have to in one way or the other. This looks like a re distribution of wealth.

With those tax credits I think I will write a ton more policies both on the group and individual side.

What about the taxation of the Medical device companies and Insurance companies? You dam well if you go to a Wellpoint and say you are going to pay a $65 million tax each year they have to raise premium to offset that.

The Gov is talking about some very dangerous thing right now.

People like AL= Atlanta want our country to be socialized.
They want everyone to be dependent on the GOV.

Emboldened your key points.
Yeah, that's for sure.
I can't even get my mind around how much extra it would cost the people already paying into the system now to implement GI.
$4000 per year? I don't doubt that in the least. I don't know about y'all but I can not imagine that people will tolerate anything NEAR that? People don't like renewals as it is, but those kinds of numbers are to me, staggering.
Tax cuts? Please.
And this whole thing about mandates? Senator from Iowa Charles Grassley was on the tube tonight stating that when he tried to sell a mandate previously in lieu of a $1000 fine those Hawkeyes asked him if he was crazy.
Better be some hella tax breaks a com'n I'll tell ya what.
Man this is gett'n good.
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No one is going to pull the plug on grandma, Winter. I think you know better than that. If anything, insurance companies rescinding coverage and clerks making coverage decisions do that all the time. Lack of health insurance causes thousands of deaths every year. For them, there's no plug to even pull.

ins.dave - I agree. Let's leave Jesus out of these insurance discussions. I do a reference every now and then to give Rick some cannon fodder, and to twist the stem of all the pseudo-christian neo-cons who inhabit this Forum.

ins.dave - I agree. Let's leave Jesus out of these insurance discussions. I do a reference every now and then to give Rick some cannon fodder, and to twist the stem of all the pseudo-christian neo-cons who inhabit this Forum.


We agree on something … that's scary.
Yeah, I just dislike hypocrisy and self righteousness in others or myself and whenever people start mixing "Jesus" and money ... we've already taken our eyes off of the ball.
Jesus is great but let's leave the spirit world in the spirit world while discussing money in the material world?
Including politics which is about money or classism also.
I propose that we make this forum a "Jesus free zone?"
This is about insurance and finance?
You leave out Jesus and I'll leave out: Islam,Secular,Nonreligious,Agnostic,Atheist,Hinduism,Chinese traditional religion, Buddhism,primal-indigenous, African Traditional & Diasporic,Sikhism,Juche,Spiritism,Judaism ,Baha'I,Jainism,Shinto,Cao Dai,Zoroastrianism,Tenrikyo,Neo-Paganism Unitarian-Universalism,Rastafarianism,Scientology, deal?

Hey, you forgot to mention the Deism!;)
Hey, you forgot to mention the Deism!;)

It is human nature to want to understand, control and label everything. Brings a sense of safety I suppose.
You want to label me a deist? Fine.
To me the notion of a cosmic reward should be irrelevant.
No one knows about the "afterlife."
To me it is quite simple.
One believes all this is an accident and does the right thing because it is the right thing to do or one believes that we were created. Their actions should be the same regardless.
Everyone hopes that on some level they will be with those that they love who are not here anymore. The fact that humans can imagine such things, to me, lends credence to this possible eventuality.
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Geez, you are hypersensitive, ins.dave. I was not applying any label whatsoever to you. I was merely referring to the fact that in your listing of various theologies you did not mention Deism. No offense was intended.
Geez, you are hypersensitive, ins.dave. .

You bet.
THAT and a big fat wallet gets you laid son.

None taken really.
Personally, I do seek and find "truthyisms" about life in nature so perhaps I read something by way of inference or suggestion in your reference of Deism.
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