Anthem Blue Cross - Billing & Deductibles

Dave what foes pcip stand for?? They will taker her if is pregnant and never had health ins before??

Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Progam. California runs it's own version separate from the federal PCIP. As long as she has not had any health insurance coverage in the six months prior to applying for PCIP they will enroll her.

She will need to obtain a denial letter (use Anthem Blue Cross Program Request Form) and complete both the MRMIP and PCIP applications and mail all of that with a check to PCIP for 1st month's premium to the MRMIB address on the PCIP supplemental application. Use the forms on my site.

MRMIP/PCIP California
Hi Dave I have a client that pregnant about 4 month no ins do u have a provider for her. I can send her to u if u can get her ins.

If this is in California, check out AIM (aid for infants and mothers). Welcome to the California Access for Infants and Mothers Program I don't think you'll get paid for this program, but its a GREAT program for expectant mothers, if you can qualify.

It's much better than any MRMIP or PCIP plan for the time you are eligible for it.

Just followup after the delivery to write a real healthplan.

POP = Point of Pickiness. This is a special policy similar to a PPO plan where the carrier's claims department decides on a claim-by-claim basis whether to cover it or not.
Oh, wait, isn't that how regular heal.....oh, nevermind.