Any Success with Church Bulletins?

Most Catholic parishes have ads in the back of their bulletins they hand out after weekend mass with ads in the back.

My friend (P&C) ran an ad for 2 years, said did not get anything out of it and pulled it.

I would think being more involved with your parish would be more effective, but all depends on the dynamics of your parish.

Yeah .. and a lot of Catholic churches have bingo and beer.. That would get a lot Evangelical ministers tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail for even suggesting it.. :yes::D:D
I bet one of those Catholic churches would agree to let you do seminars for their senior members. I did them years ago. Field and reported as a sales meeting
Especially if you have a Spanish speaking ( or any other ethnicity for that matter). Church. Do the seminar along with someone interpreting for you ( if you don't speak it). Materials are available for multiple languages with most carriers

Doesn't the Catholic church offer Knights of Columbus Insurance for their members, like the Lutherans have Lutheran Brotherhood(now Thrivent)? Seems like that'd be a conflict of interests for them to let you do seminars for their members.:skeptical:
Knights and thrivent work outside of the church the requirement to buy from them is knights you must be catholic or related to one as thrivents is thevluthern version. Also there is first catholic slovic ladies association They tend to out preform knights on participating while life